Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
Yes really he stands for the opposite of Freedom, actually he is the worse type of player for our clan.

can i join
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
Yes really he stands for the opposite of Freedom, actually he is the worse type of player for our clan.

Freelance only recruits kind, responsible, mature members.
Doesn't need anyone like PID holding the clan back, they're looking for better members. I mean look at him, he is the opposite of freedom.
Face it PlayerID666, there's no way you're getting in Freelance, hate to break it to you.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
Oops. Well disregard what I said then. Shoulda looked into it a bit more.
[Freelance]CMon:Im here to take over RA servur!
[Freelance]CMon:maybe later when theres a little less people
[Freelance]CMon: *scurries*
Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
ummmm no we wouldnt

He wasn't even interested in Freelance ;p
Bai PID666 :o
Join ukegod, Think about it... Really...
<jacadventour69> Hold the line...
<dragonforcerocks11> love isn't always on time...
<jacadventour69> It's not in the words that you told me, girl
<dragonforcerocks11> im not a girl douche
Okay....I apologize for what I said. I did not fully undderstand what was going on. Honestly, I still don't like you, but I am sorry for this particular post. I was out of line.