Nice song.
Who here listens to Seether?
Also Shades the song you are looking for is called "All The Small Things" by blink 182 from Enema of the State

Last edited by Slanesh; Dec 14, 2011 at 10:41 PM.
really? never heard of blink 182 making a song named say it aint so....
and i was a great fan of blink 182 back in the days... :O
edit: no idea slanesh
Originally Posted by Slanesh View Post
Also Shades the song you are looking for is called "All The Small Things" by blink 182 from Enema of the State

Umm hellooo?
If you reply don't just say a single word, because its considered as spam.
Oh and try replying with either a video etc.
From now on.