Original Post
An Optional Vote kick
Everybody knows that when you start toribash Chances are, online youre going to face people who will annoy the Crap out of you, Or just troll in general.

A solution to that might be A Vote kick.

A vote kick is almost self explanatory, You could Bring up
a poll and somebody would type 1 or 2 For a kick. 1 being
yes and 2 being no. It would really solve the problem in
servers like Boxing or Judo where there isnt an opped person
and You can do is just sit back and watch them Troll or you
have to leave.

A Vote Ban might work the same way. Or it could be automatic
On the 3rd kick maybe. It would make the game alot more fun
To keep a fair Democracy upon the players.

Boy this was a long post. Dont lose interest.
I say put a higher price to pay to kick someone like 1k or something.
But then you face the problem that someone is being an ass and you cant kick them because you have no tc.
<Vordred>ther are very girls in my village
what about farmer that connects to tourney room with 8-10 alts kciking out everyone
and have fun wuth himself ?
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I do personally like the idea, but they're both good and bad consequences if implemented.

The good thing about this idea is that it doesn't need an op to work and would only kick or ban the person out if they're more then 3 votes.

The bad thing about this is that if someone that a person particularly hates join a server and had nothing wrong, this suggestion may be abused and the person might get kicked out of the server for nothing, as the other party may have friends that don't like the person as well.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Originally Posted by dealornot View Post
I do personally like the idea, but they're both good and bad consequences if implemented.

The good thing about this idea is that it doesn't need an op to work and would only kick or ban the person out if they're more then 3 votes.

The bad thing about this is that if someone that a person particularly hates join a server and had nothing wrong, this suggestion may be abused and the person might get kicked out of the server for nothing, as the other party may have friends that don't like the person as well.

Ikr, I like personally too, but it will probably be abused

Apathetic User
No no
Anybody could like have 3acoounts'join a public server and kick everyone
If you say like it will make 1time for an IP
I could gather all my friends and kick everyone
I think it can't be stopped
There is no way
And trolls ?It is not your server
How could a troll hurt you?
It will be auto kicked
Making noob moves"?
Learn how to counter
Keep saying g swears to you?
Ignore him and mute
Sent from An app
Just tell me how could he abuse and the answer is here
Last edited by scorpionma; Jul 14, 2013 at 10:30 PM.
INB4 14 days ban