Originally Posted by Xipherion View Post
What actually is the point of the new system ?
So... what if they lie? Should we care?
Why are genders important ? :|

You didn't answer my question thoroughly.
1/3 Answered
2/3 Not answered
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
To know if he/she ..and know what stuff to talk about with him/her..Man why you just want to wast our time discussig it..
Old Is always GOLD
Do you know the reason why? Its because I want to know why and you don't even get straight when I asked you back there. FFS Merc, grow up. Asking question is not wasting time.
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
Tour not manager so don't talk a lot ..Gangsta will decide with drakeco ..your supposed to get your opinion only not argueing..
Old Is always GOLD
I don't think u need a gender because there's a slot of people in this world.
And we could easily find out if there boy or girl..
Overall I'll put that in the app
Mhmm thats some words of wisdom.


Emoney rich player ever not really XD
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