Hello I am Deadpile,
Name: Deadpile Ingame, Max outside
Belt: Blue but have had lots of other experience on other accounts.
Skype: Not activated at this moment but am willing to activate if needed.
Timezone/GMT: USA eastern time
Activity: Forum: 4 or 5 out of 10 Game: 7 out of 10.
Mods: Most aikido, wushu, joust just for fun.
Bio: Im Max AKA Deadpile, I have been playing for 4 years now and have been glued since my first day. I am easy to talk and get along with and can adpt to almost any game style or rule. Please conider me!
Toribash Name: majole
Real Name [optional]: -
Experience [time played]: 3-4 months
Belt Rank: Blue
Favourite Mod[s]: Judo, Aikido, running
Why do you want to join Legion?: I think your clan is cool and I've been searching for a clan for a while now
Previous Clans: None
Toribash name: Ninja757

Experience: 1.5/2 years

Belt rank: Blue Belt

Favorite mod: Jousting/aikido

Why I want to join: Topet1030 want's me to

Previous clan: None
Toribash name: Ninja757

Experience: 1.5/2 years

Belt rank: Blue Belt

Favorite mod: Jousting/aikido

Why I want to join: Topet1030 want's me to

Previous clan: None
Last edited by Ninja757; May 26, 2015 at 01:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Toribash Name: epicant123
Experience [time played]: 70 hours
Belt Rank: Brown
Favourite Mod[s]: Judo, Mushu, Twin Swords
Why do you want to join Legion?: I have always wanted to join a Toribash clan, to both teach others and improve myself so I can be a master in the game.
Previous Clans: None
Toribash Name: Nagras/Nefarix 9I have two)
Real Name [optional]: Nah son
Experience [time played]: A few months
Belt Rank: Blue on both accounts
Favourite Mod[s]: Judo Jousting Mushu and Wushu
Why do you want to join Legion?: I want to join a clan just for the experience and to feel like I'm part of something and I think Legion would be a nice first clan
Previous Clans:None
Toribash name: Crazyguy2234
Real name [Optional]: call me Pierce, it's my middle name
Experience [time played]: 3 years. though, I quit for 1 of them
Belt rank: 2nd Dan Black belt
Favorite mod[s]: Mushu, Aikido, Greykido
Previous clans: The Number One (1)
Why do you want to join Legion: I would like to help out the clan and watch it grow. I see very big potential in it.
We live to be free. SO LET'S BE FREE
Toribash Name:EvEMove
Real Name :
Experience :1 Year and 2 weeks
Belt Rank:Black Belt
Favourite Mod[s]:Aikido,Judo,Mushu
Why do you want to join Legion?:because i wanna support the clan and Find a few friend maybe...
Previous Clans:Nope
Real name: Gabriel Diaz.
I've been playing more than two years which had an Old Acount.sin want me to forget ...
Old Clans: Clan Dude, Kira Clan those two any more.
All I want to do is share victories laugh and make wars for first time ever I have taken very seriously in other clans but not always expect you pass me the same thing at all in desert point I'm Argentine I hope to spare no trouble for my regionality and I hope I am hopeful accept before you

Part Final Age: 16
Toribash Name:Lastsinner
Real Nameylan
Experience:2 months on and off
Belt Rank:blue
Favourite Mods:kickboxing mushu wushu
Why do you want to join Legion?:i have been looking for a clan thats active and strong and just overall kind to one another
Previous Clans:SYNC,AQUA
Toribash Name: DEAD6IX
Real Name [optional]: Khyle
Experience [time played]: 51 Hours
Belt Rank: Blue Belt
Favourite Mod[s]: Mushu, Parkour_iBlackleon
Why do you want to join Legion?:It would be great to join a clan.
Previous Clans: None.