Endurance Onslaught 6.0

I don't know what to answer to your first paragraph, it feels like you didn't read my post on that one.
EDIT : It can be is greatest weakness OR its greatest strenght depending on how the constitution and election systems are made, even more considering it could be malleable at our will. Maybe Plato limited his view because he didn't have the technological possibilities, instant communication and easy access to education and informations we have now.

"A democracy doesn't inherently educate people, not sure what you're trying to say here.."

Yes it does, any imaginable/hypothetic system will "educate"/shape people's mind and behaviours to adapt and fit in that system. We adapt, and if the people need to be educated for a Democracy to work, they WILL educate themselves, just like today's system need people to be couch-meat, we become couch-meat. (that doensn't happen magically tho, it takes a few decades)
That's something you need to understand for yourself, I couldn't care less if you agree with me or not about politics, I'm talking about our very (lack-of) "nature" : adaptability.

What does Dunning-Kruger has to do with anything here ? If anything I missjudge how hard it is for most people to understand/conceptualize certain ideas.

There are politics analysts, there are educated people in different areas related to politics put together to have knowledgeable government, there are people coming from law schools or com' school, those coming from "politics" school are mainly taught how to fuck with the rivalry, being opportunists etc... But there are no all-knowing "politics experts" with divine knowledge and everything required to know how to guide a people, those would be prophets.

"Your 5th point is easily solved by allowing only licensed voters to vote. Because they are educated specifically in politics, they won't fall prey to the manipulation of financial powers the way that untrained people do. "

Lol please. The people you call "politics experts" are precisely the ones putting us in that situation, corrupted and manipulated by financial powers, conceding a bit more of OUR grasp on OUR future for a pile of money and games of power. I'd rather have stupid people to vote for stupid stuff rather than being fucked in the butthole by manipulative short-sighted fuckwads.
EDIT : Concerning "licensed voters" specialized in politics, that doesn't hold. You don't need "politics specialists" to weight against the food-processing industry for exemple, you need knowledgeable people in land culture, ecology, economics, human rights, animal rights, biology, nutrition, chemistry etc... The same goes for any Multinational lobbying in any area. You don't need "politics experts", you need many voices in many different areas of expertise.
Last edited by deprav; Jun 9, 2015 at 06:41 AM.