Name: Mark
Belt: green
In-game activity: 9
Forum activity: 6
Previous clans and why you left: none
Why mythology: I saw a mythology player fighting, pretty skillful.
How can you contribute: I can hold my own in battle; good at drop-kicking.
Favorite mod: Toriswords
Any bans: none
Other means of reaching me: Hexxit435 is my Xbox live gamertag,[email protected] is my email.
Something about yourself: avid gamer, like sandboxes and first person shooters.
Replays: bodysnap.rpl, Elegant.rpl, spiiiiiinnnn.rpl, throat slice.rpl
Lol is it possible for me too ? Since I've talked a lot with you and I could be an ally that can help whenever needed. Plus you were in (Penta) XD and I had totes of fun while you were in that clan XD.
Haha! Ur mad!
Only To Help The Clan I Have Found That Karanaawesome has recently posted on multiple forums with the same forum app...

Here is the link to his most recent post 1 day ago.. http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...499297&page=90

Here is A Photo Of His Recent Post:

Here Is A Photo Just In Case He Remove's His Post For My Report Safety Reason's:

You guys had a new member join who put out multiple different posts on the upperclan listing and i want you guys to know because i was in mythical awhile back and i dont think its right and i have evidence...
Real Name: Rey(viper)
Belt: Blue (but I had another account Vipercross I no longer use for personal reasons but it was a brown)
Age: 16
In-Game activity (0-10): 10 (everyday)
Forum Activity: 4 I started 4 days ago
Any Previous Clans And Why You Left Them: FOXY, T3CK, Soulless;FOXY and Soulless was inactive and I want an active clan;T3CK I did not like there members they were very rude and disrespectful
Why Mythology: I have seen you clan around and in the chat they were very respectful and you guys are always playing I have been wanting to join your clan in particular because they are always playing
How Can You Contribute to Us: I am pretty good at judo/ABD and I am able to do what people say and get it done as quickly as possible and I am great person to get money (because of betting) I also have great short term goals that complete your long term goals and i'm a great recruiter i'm also very generous. if were in a betting server I will more and likely will give my position to one my clan members such as the other day I gave two of my positions anaminusx.
Favorite Mods: Judo, ABD, Aikido, Wushu
Any Bans/Infractions: No
Other Means of reaching you (ex. Skype): [email protected]
Something about yourself: I love this game I am very devoted to whatever I do. I am very motivated to do whatever im doing and im ready to be the best every day
Replays: don't know how I would but I did get tested by anaminusx

Real Name: Corey
Belt: Brown
Age: 16
In-game activity (0-10): 10
Forum Activity (0-10): 6
Any previous clans and why you left them: Never been in a clan
Why Mythology: Because it sounds awesome
How did you find Mythology: Scrolling through clan list
How you can you contribute to us: I online for a lot of time each day
Favorite mods: Id say, uhm... Frisbee, even though im bad at it
Any bans/infractions?: Nuh
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): can skype Or facebook
Something about yourself: I like traaaiiinnns vreeeeowm
Replays: I don't know how to get replays up ;-;
Last edited by BillyhhJoe; Nov 5, 2015 at 12:12 AM. Reason: belt raise
Real Name: Nikita
Belt:5 dan black belt
Age: 12
In-game activity (0-10): 7-10
Forum Activity (0-10):5-10
Any previous clans and why you left them: Na'Vi, Hiroaki Sato, MAU, GT, Plus. I was kicked from all clans.
Why Mythology:Cause why not to be in a good clan.
How did you find Mythology:Searching throught clans top
How you can you contribute to us:Fighter
Favorite mods: All Taekkyon mods
Any bans/infractions?: Nope
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): Maxinik03 (I'm Russian)
Something about yourself:A teenager boy playing toribash since 2014 year

Lucky seven.rpl


Heist of tomato.rpl
Attachment 539870
Last edited by Maxinik03; Nov 1, 2015 at 01:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hamborgerprofile pic belongs to @cclownteeth on IG