Ok, so I will add him once he becomes a full member.

I am not a videomaker, but if you guys go on like this, the clan channel will be filled with bad cs/ds edits, lmao

30fps cause it takes like 2 mins to render that way, lmao
Last edited by Onsola; Feb 20, 2018 at 12:25 AM.
Good thing u got i like the slowmo part
Was that u saving maximus lmao xd
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Give me the clip cause i formatted my pc so i will dl all the plugins i had and make some edits with that vid
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
get on dc boi, it's a bit heavy al together tho, I was planning to record more aerial takes of ds, I haven't done that yet
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
i can make videos. if there an edit in progress?

<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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