Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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ToriConquest '09
ToriConquest '09

The first annual Conquest competition


Okay, so long story short, I'm back, and I thought up a way to organise a tournament that's WAY different from all the competitions that are currently out here. This 'might' be an annual thing, meaning I want it to be, and if there is demand, it sure as hell will be.

The Pitch

You know how all these tournaments are just regular knockout tournaments, or stuff like that? Then you get the league and some other competitions with a bit more organisation? Well I'm taking this a step further.

Behold. The Conquest!

First off, there are spots for at most 60 players. These players will organise themselves in teams of 2 to 8 players. This doesn't mean a clan will necessarily have to have a clan team. A multi-clan team can be formed, or a NO-clan team can also be formed.

Upon signing up, each player will provide a form containing information about their character. This form will be made available when signups are open.

The basic premise is this. You are [your-name-here]. You've been entered into a tournament. This is life-or-death. You have a collar around your neck that will explode if you fail to follow the rules.

You and your team start in one of the squares on the map. Each week of real time will mark the passage of one day in-game. This means you have around 5 days of real time to decide amongst yourselves where you will move (you can move one square per in-game day) and post in the week's thread (you can stand in the same square for any amount of time, should you decide to). After each day I will sum up what has happened with a short story, and examine everything.

If you end up on the same square as another team in a day, you will have a fight. This will work like a tournament, refereed by one of the people helping me. The winner remains there, might receive some kind of prize if it's an exceptional fight, and the loser is gone from the game world for 2 in-game days (2 weeks), after which they spawn on a random empty tile.

If a team loses 2 battles in a row, they are disqualified.

This will all form Phase 1. In this phase you should try to eliminate as many teams as you can, form alliances if you will, and get everything ordered.

Phase 1 will last for a week in-game. That is 7 weeks of real time.

After this, Phase 2 will start. I won't spoil it, but believe me, it'll be fast paced, and probably filled with a lot of alliances being broken.

Right. So you're probably going. What the hell. 7 weeks? You should know this is a 21 week project at the very least. It's a competition that is going to take that long. True, you're not going to be actually fighting that often. Once a week, maybe once every two weeks at the most. The majority of the time will be spent on organising, planning, and me writing everything out with a storyline.

As such, this will probably not be a very tense competition, and will be pretty laid-back. Think of it as a strategy game.


Sign-ups will be opening approximately 2 weeks from now, however I'd appreciate it if people would start forming teams and PMing me stating their interest to participate. Sign-ups will last for 2 weeks, and will be free, however I will reserve the right to deny a team in order to make room for another.


Nothing has been settled on here as of yet, but the prizes will be fairly large. To be discussed further.


Feel free to use this thread to participate in meaningful discussion about this competition. As such, if you only intend to post 'good luck' or 'participating', please don't. You may ask questions here, offer suggestions, or offer assistance.


Since some people don't get it, I'll bold it. Post here if you're asking a question, offering suggestions, or assistance. Not for stuff like 'this is unique' or etc. Trying to keep this clutter-free.
Last edited by Jok; Feb 2, 2009 at 11:42 PM.
This whole thing is way too complicated. Besides long-term tourneys people are less likely to show up because they might forget. The two thing is just to much of a hasle.
i like this idea. its totally different than anything else that goes on around here. its kinda like a single player campaign for toribash.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
its kinda like a single player campaign for toribash.

But it's multiplayer >.>
is it goin to be one of those nose in the dirt boring things you read in a history book or is it guna be like japenese manga with crazy stuff happening everyware
Originally Posted by dillon207 View Post
This whole thing is way too complicated. Besides long-term tourneys people are less likely to show up because they might forget. The two thing is just to much of a hasle.

Erm, don't participate then?

It isn't all that complicated. And for what it is, that's why you get a week for a day in-game. Lets you think everything over twice before doing anything.

Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
i like this idea. its totally different than anything else that goes on around here. its kinda like a single player campaign for toribash.

..But it's multi-player.

Originally Posted by crazymonk View Post
is it goin to be one of those nose in the dirt boring things you read in a history book or is it guna be like japenese manga with crazy stuff happening everyware

Style will change according to people involved. If we get a full military team that want to be RPed that way, sure I'll toss in a lot of military terms, and make it a tad bland.
But will there be like categories, like a blue belt team "board/world" and a "parallel" brown belt "world", or is it going to be like ALL VS ALL


another question, if one team has 2 ppl and anotherone 8 would they still match?
or if there is a 2 ppl team and one gets banned, i'd be a 1 person team which

Is a 1-person-only team allowed?

OR if the time isnt good for everyone in the team, is it ok if only one person shows up?
Last edited by PolloE; Feb 9, 2009 at 05:55 PM.
Originally Posted by Jok View Post
Each of the 2 people fights each of the 8. In all 16 fights.

so because of the 'realism' of 2 player teams being at a disadvantage, shouldnt each player on both teams get one life, and whichever team has people left wins?
so player 1 of 2 would fight through the 8 players till he dies, and player 2 would have to try to finish whoever is left of the 8 without dying? - seems to make more sense and while 2x8 is 16 fights, two teams of 8 (8x8 ) would be 64 fights. the way i just suggested has a maximum of 15 fights, if 8v8 got down to the last person on each team.

Signups aren't open, for one.

when will they be? :P

Player limit is 60, for last.

60 players or 60 teams?
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y
Originally Posted by gr3yh47 View Post
when will they be? :P

Originally Posted by Jok, 6 days ago
Sign-ups will be opening approximately 2 weeks from now

Just over 1 week now if the above goes ahead.

Originally Posted by gr3yh47 View Post
60 players or 60 teams?

Originally Posted by Jok View Post
First off, there are spots for at most 60 players. These players will organise themselves in teams of 2 to 8 players.

In other words, 60 players split up into teams.

Does that help?
with most people going for large teams this likely allows for less than 10 teams?

teams have more of an impact on how long everything takes than actual number of people...
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y
Originally Posted by PolloE View Post
But will there be like categories, like a blue belt team "board/world" and a "parallel" brown belt "world", or is it going to be like ALL VS ALL

All versus all.


You should realise that when the slots start to fill up, I'm likely to prefer taking in the older members whom I know and whom I'm sure can keep this going fine, rather than someone new, which I have had little contact to. So, don't plan TOO far ahead.

another question, if one team has 2 ppl and anotherone 8 would they still match?
or if there is a 2 ppl team and one gets banned, i'd be a 1 person team which

Is a 1-person-only team allowed?

For fights yes. Totally plausible. To keep on fighting alone, no. One fight at most, then you must join another team, or be disqualified.

Originally Posted by gr3yh47 View Post
so because of the 'realism' of 2 player teams being at a disadvantage, shouldnt each player on both teams get one life, and whichever team has people left wins?

Would leave too much to luck. And while this would be 'real' it wouldn't be 'fun'. A balance is required.

so player 1 of 2 would fight through the 8 players till he dies, and player 2 would have to try to finish whoever is left of the 8 without dying? - seems to make more sense and while 2x8 is 16 fights, two teams of 8 (8x8 ) would be 64 fights. the way i just suggested has a maximum of 15 fights, if 8v8 got down to the last person on each team.

But then how would it be fair. If you're the two man team, you have basically no chance of beating the 8 man team no matter how good you are. And no, 8 vs 8 isn't 64 fights. 8 vs 8 is a different system. It's ALSO 16 fights.

Originally Posted by gr3yh47 View Post
with most people going for large teams this likely allows for less than 10 teams?

If that happens, probably. Keep in mind, the more teams, the more managing is needed from my end, and this is a solo effort.

teams have more of an impact on how long everything takes than actual number of people...

Not really. If you get a huge alliance of 4 teams, basically owning everything, ONE of them is going to realise that once the prize is split up, you basically get a lot less. And as such, mutiny occurs.