Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
Is the Beatles let it be like a documentary or is it actually a movie?

it's not really documentary style, it's just like some of the sessions of when they were recording the Let It Be album

I downloaded the Help! movie too, have yet to watch it
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.

It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black 'forty four.
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight
When he asked that his men be withdrawn.
And the Generals gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy tanks for a while.
And the Anzio bridgehead
Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives.

And kind old King George
Sent Mother a note
When he heard that father was gone.
It was, I recall,
In the form of a scroll,
With gold leaf adorned,
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away.
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
His Majesty signed
With his own rubber stamp.

get the FLAC of this song (stereo is good, 5.1 even better if you got the gear for it) turn on the base up a bit more than you usually prefer it, turn the speakers on to 50-70% loudness. Sit in the cross section of the speakers waves. Play the song. At least that's how I do it - well I use headphones but its besides the point.

I cry almost every time.
Last edited by missuse; Nov 6, 2015 at 11:45 AM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Will do man,btw now's my chance to show you my new home cinema xD

the model is LG BH7540TW

1200w full 3d 5.1 surround,3d blu-ray player with ultra HD upscale,
and smart tv features xD
it is made from aramid,highly resistant material comparable to kevlar and carbon fiber.

And yea,classic monitor speakers look xP
I have started listening to red fang since this June,which reminds me,
i haven't told you guys that i went to Copenhagen this June for about a week,
went to copenhell festival,besides red fang also saw rise against,kreator
ow,and primus xp

Will upload pics this evening.

and another one,too bad it's not released yet:

loving the voices in this one,bring me to mind something like a
ritual or a ceremony xD