you will finish downloading all of mods when you will get done with exams ahahaha
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Eeeeesh, Interpol. I haven't listen to them for a long time and I really like them.

Btw, this just made my day:

Last edited by SocKeTe; Nov 26, 2012 at 03:06 PM.
Hello, world.
awww yeah sockete luff interpol too :3

Do you guys know Gojira ? like the "head" of the french metal scene. I don't like everything they do but this one is veri gud

awwww yeah Electric Wizard

This week end I'm going to see this in Paris :

They rarely make concerts and they're not a famous band at all, I'm a fackin fanboy I'm so glad I'll finally see them

whole album (2nd one)