Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Regardless of past actions, I will do everything from here on to protect her that I am able.@Roy

Caed sits down and crosses his legs, closes his eyes and thinks.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers

The arrows glance off of the sturdy plate, denting it, but causing no serious harm. The champion falters, but is quickly upon Legolas. He rams the archer with his shield, putting his weight into a great tackle, sending Legolas sprawling.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Legolas drops the bow to the ground, but recovers. He stands and draws his sword and shield. Moving to the elf with determination, he commits to a swift flurry of strikes, first to the legs then to the head, then the torso.

Blocking avidly with his large shield, the Champion endures Legolas' furious attack. He trades blows with the archer, but eventually overpowers him. Seeing an opening, the champion does something that almost resembles a slap with his shield, aimed at Legolas' face. It knocks Legolas silly and sends him staggering backward.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Legolas fights through the daze and watches as the champion moves forward, thrusting at his chest. Legolas deflects the attack roughly with his shield as he moves in quickly to the elf's right side. He sends an aggressive heel kick to the back of the elf's knee then sends the hilt of his sword crashing towards the elf's helmet.
The Prison

Drak wakes up from his nap and starts yelling at Chance, "Stop procrastinating and get me outta here!'

He doesn't realize that Chance left to the bathroom.

Offtopic: I have exams on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I'll be less active until Wednesday.
Last edited by Huck; Oct 17, 2011 at 02:49 AM.

The champion ducks the hilt and slashes Legolas in the arm, tearing the muscle apart and severing a tendon. Legolas' sword arm hangs loosely as motor nerves die.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor

Caed opens his eyes and jumps to his feet.

Caed sighs and takes off in a dead run towards the Champion misting through the guards as they try to stop him and punches him in the back of the head.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers

As the champion prepares to attack again, he hears a commotion behind him. He begins to spin around but is knocked flat by a heavy blow to his helmet. Swiftly recovering, he spins to slash at his assailants head as his troops begins to mobilize.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor