Under hills and over hills our path will lead?

I like the idea of that disguising your style thing. We just couldn't use new accounts because of them country codes, eh?
Agreed with bubba here. I don't think country codes would ruin much, for, as I heard, there are many more people who live in the same countries as we do... ...So i heard.
well if its an event, someone else could post it without saying who made it.
just because one of us makes it, doesnt mean we have to post it ourselves.
perhaps post the event with GATAbot, if aerox remembers the login?
It would need to be someone with a distinct style though. like pheatures loopy mapping/shapes. (tired, so i cant think of any other examples.)
if we reworked a chillz texture, whos style is mostly identified by how good it is technically(not saying theres no style, just that its the most identifiable thing) it would be too obvious who made it, because the only ones who could really pull it off successfully would be jebus or monobi, maybe pheature.

my main concern is that its just a question and answer event, with more work in preparing the textures than in the actual event.
fun for us, but straightforward for the entrants.
we'd need several textures for it to run long enough to be a success.
but it would be a good way of showcasing the GATA talent, remind people who we are and that we arent all just niche texture makers.
but then again, thats what we we're doing with the "Pass it on" thread.

we could also do a version of it, where we post a texture, and the event is for people to reinvent it, similar to tomwanks "great 128" event, just backwards, if needs be, we can get him involved, im sure he'd be down for it.
his running of the great 128 was pretty smooth and he deserves credit if we're taking inspiration from his idea.
it goes along similar lines to what we were talking about and it would be a more viable idea for an event.

a sort of colab, if you will, we've had "outsiders" involved in the past, users affiliated with GATA, but not actually members. i thought it was a nice touch, now that I think about it, I guess I was the TTM "representative" to TMJ, befor GATA was around, and that worked out quite well. Gorman is/was also a GATA affiliate from T3AL.
if we had an event affiliate, it would make the running of events here much more functional. Technically the GMs fill that role for us, but theyr always too busy with their own GM events to get mare hands on in the running of our stuff, so they only support us financially, but thats not really a problem here.

bottom line is, we need someone who's interested and available to host, direct and manage the events for us, cus we're too lazy.
might be a good idea to talk to the higher ups about using the GM art team to do more than just make art for events. introduce non-artists who are interested in in being involved in the art scene without being texturers or marketers, into the GM art team.
I dont think the way the GM art team is currently set up really works, casual texturers/artists like us, dont make good GMs, we dont work well under deadlines or enjoy doing art we dont like.
it needs to be about promoting art, rather than making it.

will get on that if you guys approve.
Last edited by BenDover; Jun 24, 2014 at 11:08 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
the quick reply box is so small, i have no idea what ive typed untill i post it :<
the edit button is also evil.

you're lucky i didnt type that all in one sentence.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
also make a good /evil event where ben's two sketches in the pass it on are prizes.

But anyways... we should hire tomwanks (or someone) because i don't like trying to run events. and write stories and whatever else we have to do to make events. We are just a bunch of hobbyists who release a texture when we are trying stuff out, or bored of waiting in a Que to play quick aikido.

I thought of the reinvent thing also. Would base it on some key characteristics we have and what brushes we prefer to use. BUT not everyone has a tablet so you would get like 10 entries. the only reason the 128 was so popular is because it was accessible and theoretically there was a huge prize.

I thought of a sort of "team" texture competition where you would post a texture for a qualifying round then the "Real" HQ classed artists can pick their pair in order to go through an elimination type setup as a tutor/colab thing.

I think the disguise thing would be better if it was limitied into gata like the duels (hi monobi plz) or the pass it on. where we would send it to aerox (or a non participating member) which would then post it. and each person would be eliminated if they were guessed or if they guessed wrong. Although this does lead to complications in the final rounds because of the random chance 50% or 33% of guessing the right person.

/ i sense that most of us are just around to laugh at the art board, or go hmmm this guy actually knows what he's doing.. I might poke him and see if he improves or just gets mad. Or to see if they had a cool idea and to try steal implement that technique into our own stuff. - only jebus and pheature are still spamming the textures / although not as much recently.


but i do know that BenDover doesn't understand why I almost always make my eyes in the center of my head.

-its so its easier to make it so they don't have fat cheeks and fat chin. because the shape of the sphere allows the cheeks to behave more like a jaw in my experience.
I don't mind running events for GATA. I actually would really like to.

But, I don't want to be the only person here running/hosting events.

Dunno, just throwing in my two cents in case it helps.

But yeah, as far as event ideas go. We could so some Masterchef-eqsue type event where we "find" the next big artist through some sort of competition. I was thinking of kinda making it as a drive to recruiting for GATA too. So like the initial winner gets to get into GATA along with a nice prize.

Although we have already have a lot of good event ideas. We just need to pick one out. By random stick drawing if need be. Someone should make of thread of recently suggested ideas in the chambers so we can decide what to do. I'll do it later tonight if no-one else does.