Fuck this miserable shit, I can't sleep. >.>

I actually talk like that even in real life. I guess it has something to do with my upper-class upbringing.

If you find it annoying and/or violence-inducing, please just tell me so that I can moderate myself.

Also, just a little subrequest about that set that I'm requesting from you, TKJ. I'd like it to be matched to my current head (please don't create a new head) as well as to my current colors (shaman, demon, and quicksilver). That's all. Thank you very much.
It doesn't bother me much , i was just wondering if you were trying to troll or something.

And i'll see what i can do for you on the set.
Hey great! Joined a started clan then the leader got banned for 4 months and the clan was dead...
#RIP Instinct
Originally Posted by strikas View Post
Hey great! Joined a started clan then the leader got banned for 4 months and the clan was dead...
#RIP Instinct

I didn't really liked that name.
Played my Clan League match today, shit was intense
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
I am .
Hatt was but he backed out because he is "too active and can't afford to be banned for 3weeks".

Originally Posted by Diatie View Post
Anyone else here in the game?

Yes, I am.
Team Diate.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?