you mean walter white
and its such a coincidence isnt it
im an INTJ in the myers briggs test
and walter white..
he is too.
Lol mat calm down.

Funny fact, 2 of my posts in this page start with Lol, okno.

Are you guys still on holidays? I am getting closer to those beutiful 3 months summer holidaysnlmao
yeah my holidays ended in june

also look at this sick comic rendition bojan did of the set i wore for a while until i sold my 512

my midterm about to start boys
and i did pretty poorly in my unit tests so gotta do well in these or im fucked
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Lol mat calm down.

Funny fact, 2 of my posts in this page start with Lol, okno.

Are you guys still on holidays? I am getting closer to those beutiful 3 months summer holidaysnlmao

Unfortunately it is coming to the end. I have last week of freedom and then will go
on 10 months penalty to jail called school. At least I will have free pool entrance /o/

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Guys, not to disturb this fine, and neatly oredered thread, full of wonderful people with great panache, but i have to post this. Keep in mind, i am not a fan of exclaimation points, not onlike the ones with over sensitive ears, that are also blind.

My new computer is arriving this Tuesday, fuck yeah!
Man, i've been listening to a lot of Johnny Cash. Any one here a fan of the man?
Last edited by uppkicker; Aug 26, 2016 at 11:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well, it has an i5 6400 at 2.70 GHz
Also it has a GTX 950.
I has 8 GB RAM, but i'll probably add 8 more.

It's not the best, but not the worst either.