Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Announcement: We're accepting apps again, so you might app and it won't be a insta-no.
We will be selective tho, so the minimum belt required is now black instead of brown
Last edited by SrCheetah; Jul 12, 2015 at 04:10 PM.
Hello Vibe. My name is Qukslice and I present to you (Insert imaginary drumroll here) MY HORRIBLE APPLICATION THAT I WOULD BE SUPRISED PASSES FOR AN APPLICATION (Gotta love that self esteem). Shall we get started?
My name Qukslice (Quick-Slice. Gotta make sure my cockslice days are over). My best mods are The ABD family, erthtk/tk, lenshu/ninjutsu/rk-mma, and wushu/mushu/boxshu_mushuv3. I have no alts because alts are dumb. The last clan I was in was Nitro but because the founder continues to neglect us due to Terraria, the clan has been falling apart. They kicked somebody who was a very good friend of mine for a very dumb reason (He didn't realize he couldn't have brought an OP character into their Terraria game so they vote kicked him for being "immature".) . They had also threatened to kick me from the clan because I was an "annoying" member. A month after that, after very hard and strenuous thinking, I decided to leave.
Anyway, I think you'll need me because I'm a very ActiveX and energetic person who can help the clan reach it's goals faster than before. I also have plenty of skills to get every job done on time.
Part 2
My real name is Gabriel and I live in the U.S.A. More specifically I live in Milford, Massachusetts which is in -6 gmt unless Day light savings time is in effect making it -5. I turned 12 two days ago (On the 10th of July). I get straight A's at school and went to six flags yesterday to ride my first roller coaster ever(My neck still hurts from trying to snap my neck back into place when the G forces on my neck was pushing it down. At least the next one I went on after that was batman, so it was amazing)

My skype name is Snoop Dog(Best name since names) and I'm the guy with Thomas the dank engine as my thumbnail ( It's the same as before). Sadly, I don't have any replays currently due to my Tb being broken and all of my replays in my other computer.
Have a nice day guys and I hope you enjoyed my
MY HORRIBLE APPLICATION THAT I WOULD BE SUPRISED PASSES FOR AN APPLICATION. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to cry in the fetal position for the next few hours and check back to see how my app is going.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
If there's no objections here, I'll be sending an invite shortly.

No objections here man, he's a good guy.
I would like to say no to qukslice. I have seen him be immature ingame to the point where I found him rather annoying. I understand immaturity can be fun now and then, but too much is just bleh. Anyways that is my opinion if it counts.

My Personal Life
Well to start off I'd like to greet myself to the clan, my ingame name is Recess as you can see but you can call me Deven. I am currently 21 years young and I am attending college at Marywood University for Architecture and going into my 3rd year. I vape which if you know anything instantly makes me a faggot, because you know. Internet. But I am very social and I am always trying to strike up a conversation wether I'm at the bar grabbing a quick pint or in the Library just trying to find a new friend. I was born in Garland, Texas and now I am living in Pennsylvania between Lebanon and Scranton (where my college is located) but enough about my boring ass personal life lets talk about my toribash career.

Toribash Life
Well it all started in 2012 when I watched Chilled Chaos playing toribash with his group of friends and I instantly got hooked on the game and made my OG account Quickwork. I used that account for the good part of a year and got it to a 2nd dans then for some reason just dropped toribash for a year. Go into the future another year and this new account, Recess, was born, my new tb child. Again played for a summer then stopped off once my school picked back up however toribash was always in the back of my mind then the start of this summer I started getting back into it. I started off playing aikidoABD and still love playing aikido, then playing the judo tournement where I have met so many amazing people and have been playing judo for close to a month. Now I am getting to the point where I am looking to join a clan and grow with basically a family and I feel like joining Vibe would be the best place for me.

Additional Info
Skype: deven_711
Skills: Sleeping, eating, staying up until the sun comes up playing TB
GMT: -4:00

So that's basically everything about me, thanks for taking your time to read my app and I hope to soon call this clan my home <3
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
My Personal Life
Well to start off I'd like to greet myself to the clan, my ingame name is Recess as you can see but you can call me Deven. I am currently 21 years young and I am attending college at Marywood University for Architecture and going into my 3rd year. I vape which if you know anything instantly makes me a faggot, because you know. Internet. But I am very social and I am always trying to strike up a conversation wether I'm at the bar grabbing a quick pint or in the Library just trying to find a new friend. I was born in Garland, Texas and now I am living in Pennsylvania between Lebanon and Scranton (where my college is located) but enough about my boring ass personal life lets talk about my toribash career.

Toribash Life
Well it all started in 2012 when I watched Chilled Chaos playing toribash with his group of friends and I instantly got hooked on the game and made my OG account Quickwork. I used that account for the good part of a year and got it to a 2nd dans then for some reason just dropped toribash for a year. Go into the future another year and this new account, Recess, was born, my new tb child. Again played for a summer then stopped off once my school picked back up however toribash was always in the back of my mind then the start of this summer I started getting back into it. I started off playing aikidoABD and still love playing aikido, then playing the judo tournement where I have met so many amazing people and have been playing judo for close to a month. Now I am getting to the point where I am looking to join a clan and grow with basically a family and I feel like joining Vibe would be the best place for me.

Additional Info
Skype: deven_711
Skills: Sleeping, eating, staying up until the sun comes up playing TB
GMT: -4:00

So that's basically everything about me, thanks for taking your time to read my app and I hope to soon call this clan my home <3

so you never play aikido again? and moved to judo?
we not looking for somebody that can't play aikido (but its okay if you are active on the forum)

answer my question and i will vote your app
Originally Posted by Recess View Post
My Personal Life
Well to start off I'd like to greet myself to the clan, my ingame name is Recess as you can see but you can call me Deven. I am currently 21 years young and I am attending college at Marywood University for Architecture and going into my 3rd year. I vape which if you know anything instantly makes me a faggot, because you know. Internet. But I am very social and I am always trying to strike up a conversation wether I'm at the bar grabbing a quick pint or in the Library just trying to find a new friend. I was born in Garland, Texas and now I am living in Pennsylvania between Lebanon and Scranton (where my college is located) but enough about my boring ass personal life lets talk about my toribash career.

Toribash Life
Well it all started in 2012 when I watched Chilled Chaos playing toribash with his group of friends and I instantly got hooked on the game and made my OG account Quickwork. I used that account for the good part of a year and got it to a 2nd dans then for some reason just dropped toribash for a year. Go into the future another year and this new account, Recess, was born, my new tb child. Again played for a summer then stopped off once my school picked back up however toribash was always in the back of my mind then the start of this summer I started getting back into it. I started off playing aikidoABD and still love playing aikido, then playing the judo tournement where I have met so many amazing people and have been playing judo for close to a month. Now I am getting to the point where I am looking to join a clan and grow with basically a family and I feel like joining Vibe would be the best place for me.

Additional Info
Skype: deven_711
Skills: Sleeping, eating, staying up until the sun comes up playing TB
GMT: -4:00

So that's basically everything about me, thanks for taking your time to read my app and I hope to soon call this clan my home <3

Yeah, no... Too many issues here.

You literally applied for (Haunted) just 2 days ago #1 #2. Secondly, your forum presence is certainly lacking.

Try again later.