Nationality: United States
Belt: Black
Preferred Mods: Aikido, kickboxing
Old Clans: Omega
How much do you use Forum: I haven't been on in a while but I will be fairly active at least one hour a day.
Infractions/Bans?: none!
Why do you want to join?: Seems like a nice clan looking for a clean start.
What kind of skills do you bring to Legions ?: I'm a little artsy. and mature
Other Qualities: 6 foot tall. 180 pounds.
Invited by Who?: No one
3 SinglePLayer Replays: I don't play too much so I don't really have any.
Yes, Your Accepted. Welcome Mate.
Feel free to make yourself at home.
Events and such are going to be open shortly
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Preferred Mods:judo
Old Clans:nun
How much do you use Forum:fair ofen
Why do you want to join?:because i like it and its cool
What kind of skills do you bring to Legions ?:hmmmm
~ [Tribe]Shade ~