Thanks for inviting me into the clan! Do I need to give you my Skype username or anything?

And the arm band, do I need to purchase a texture for that?
Originally Posted by xXOBLIVIONXx View Post
Thanks for inviting me into the clan! Do I need to give you my Skype username or anything?

And the arm band, do I need to purchase a texture for that?

Yes you need to purchase a biceps texture for the arm band and come join us on discord https://discord.gg/9eSqJjs
im 16,Male 1900Qi and a black belt. I live in australia, i like to chill and have fun with life im fairly active on forums about 8/10 my ingame activity would be a 9 or 10. Im good at abd, im good at saving myself, my discord is fishy#6372. I have no connections with FC.
Originally Posted by lilfishy1 View Post
im 16,Male 1900Qi and a black belt. I live in australia, i like to chill and have fun with life im fairly active on forums about 8/10 my ingame activity would be a 9 or 10. Im good at abd, im good at saving myself, my discord is fishy#6372. I have no connections with FC.

Is that an app ? I just see a sentence without punctuation. DENIED
Hey, my name is Daniel. I'm 14 years old, I'll be 15 in 2 July. I'm a male. My belt is 5th Dan and 5020 Qi. I live in Indonesia, GMT 8+. Well, I've been banned for scamming people. It wasn't really a scam, it's just I'm delaying stuffs.

I personally hate jokes and hate being ignored,who doesn't get mad if he's ignored. Probably only me, and jokes. Jokes can be very violence that can hurt my feelings, which is why I hate it. I'm not that active in forum, 6/10 but I'm very active ingame, 9/10. I'm actually proud of myself that I can REALLY spar, I wasn't able to spar when I was like 12. It was very hard at that time, so I keep practicing and finally. I can now be able to spar very well.

I do have Discord and so Skype, I use Discord alot since it has a good server features like Roles, Emojis and more! My discord is 'Darky#6526' without quotes. Fortunately, I have a connections in Fight Club. It is me and trying to improve my application on Discord with Merc.

Replay will send it later,
Thanks for taking your time!
Originally Posted by MrDarkyZ View Post
Hey, my name is Daniel. I'm 14 years old, I'll be 15 in 2 July. I'm a male. My belt is 5th Dan and 5020 Qi. I live in Indonesia, GMT 8+. Well, I've been banned for scamming people. It wasn't really a scam, it's just I'm delaying stuffs.

I personally hate jokes and hate being ignored,who doesn't get mad if he's ignored. Probably only me, and jokes. Jokes can be very violence that can hurt my feelings, which is why I hate it. I'm not that active in forum, 6/10 but I'm very active ingame, 9/10. I'm actually proud of myself that I can REALLY spar, I wasn't able to spar when I was like 12. It was very hard at that time, so I keep practicing and finally. I can now be able to spar very well.

I do have Discord and so Skype, I use Discord alot since it has a good server features like Roles, Emojis and more! My discord is 'Darky#6526' without quotes. Fortunately, I have a connections in Fight Club. It is me and trying to improve my application on Discord with Merc.

Replay will send it later,
Thanks for taking your time!

It's not the best app I've seen but i see that you've put some work on it so I'll Yes

You should come see us : FC DISCORD (clickable).