Did you save the gif?

If you did, would you mind putting it in a spoiler and posting it so nobody gets the ending spoiled and so I can see it?

Or, if that's too much trouble, could you tell me what it showed? The ending takes up the entire episode, and I don't think people would make a gif of a twenty minute episode.
Last edited by up2u; Jun 27, 2011 at 11:17 PM.
Hmmm, Tenjou Tenge surprised me, as in i didnt hate it as soon as i started watching it, bit too much fan service, but whatever, im not watching anything else.
Finished Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer.

I didn't really like the first four volumes of it. I was pretty disappointed and I was about to drop it. It had gotten lots of props, after all.
But goddamnit the rest... Awesome!
can someone tell me some good dating sim games for psp,pc,ds,gba,ps1,ps2,ps3 in english or have a english patch
Anime United
Watching Luck Star and Amaenaideyo now.

I'm used to play dating sim when I was a little.
Most dating sim games on consoles are japanese, few games I remember in english for Ps2 are:
Sakura Wars, there is also mecha fight, but 90% of the games are spending time with girls, and your flamboyant gay boss..... (From total of at least 15 hours gameplay the fight only took around 2-3 hours)

Persona 3 and 4, actually its RPG, but hanging around with your friends (including boys, but its leaning to a friendship instead of love) is essential to make yourself stronger, some will have a great impact on the story too especially in the 4.
Persona3 has a story about a dark hour that happens between 24.00pm and 00.00am everyday, your mission is to eliminate monsters called shadow, the dating simulation here is better than 4.
Persona 4 has a lighter story compared to 3, a rural town disturbed by a serial murder with a connection of old urban legend called midnight channel (Mayonaka TV on japan).

There is one in PSP, called Maccross something I don't remember, if you watch Maccross then you should know its about mecha, I haven't look into it.

PC have LOTS of dating sim games, almost all of them are in japanese.... Most eroge are in english though but I'm not into it.
Oh yes, many harem or romance anime are usually have a dating sim games on handled consoles such as DS or PSP, not so many people buy it though.
Persona 3 is also availabe in PSP called P3P, and you have the chance to play as a female character instead of male.
Last edited by Sicks; Jun 28, 2011 at 05:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by up2u View Post
Overrated moeshit. I bet you guys would enjoy Nichijou.

Other than the chin being a bit too sharp and the hair not quite right, yeah. It does look sorta like Nakasugi.


Dat Ano Hana ending.


AnoHana was the best anime of the season, in my opinion. That ending was awesome.

Originally Posted by rittu View Post
I saw the gif of the Ano Hana ending, does that count

Post it please! (Spoiler tags, though)

Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
Finished Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer.

I didn't really like the first four volumes of it. I was pretty disappointed and I was about to drop it. It had gotten lots of props, after all.
But goddamnit the rest... Awesome!

Definitely. They need to make Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer into an anime.
Originally Posted by fireless View Post
the world god only knows

and is it sad that i want to play some dating sims games now lol

Isn't it awesome?

And I went on a spree in one of those dating sim games. I "conquered" every heroine...
I feel stupid for taking the time out to actually try and finish each and every route, though Katsuragi would probably play more.
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