No problem, Sunchaos. I'll post more stuff as I think of it. When you twist, I find extending a pec and rotating the chest, then spacing, then contracting the other pec sometimes instead of rotating, contracting, and extending all at once makes the rotation smoother... But it depends on the situation.
If anyone wants to spar, let me know.
Last edited by Alaistier; Dec 22, 2011 at 03:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
For me realism is like flow and relaxed but not too relaxed but don't focus on realism too much. It's good to have it just not too much.
Ill take a break from sparring and tricking for a while. I'm actually getting tired of doing the same thing (running,kicking,punching,etc.) in the meantime i'll stick here in the forums and watch over you guys.
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
Nice guys, nice. I looked over all of the replays and I see improvement. It was a pain in the ass to watch all of them, but I did it >_<.

Also @Alaistier Get in here you sexy bitch. Accepted.
the goblin
Ugh, I think I'm getting worse... It's been weeks since I had a spar where somebody doesn't disconnect or ping, Someone PM me sometime for a spar. Maybe I won't be too rusty