The purple one was surely good. This one is good as a change though. The purple one would probably become boring after a while, unless it becomes a classic, if you know what I mean.
Is there any chance he(that someone played him in the movie) was in the movie "Crazy night in the museum 2"?
Pendragon = Bandwagon.
Purple was better, but this was so me, so gangsta ^^ hahaha
Them girls only know three words, stop, no and don't! No my brotha, you go them word backwards, they always tell me, no don't stop!

I remember when you had to pay for a name and a headtexture and everyone else was called playerId, that was good times!
Proud Member of Flawless

wushu is like ride an bicycle.. you cant forget it
// Callejon77

Save baby tori!!!