Not before he filled skul with it though. I got sloppy seconds.

[16:58] * Now talking in #parrot
[16:58] * Topic is 'MOCROGUNZ EATS SMEGMA. |'
[16:58] * Set by SkulFuk on Sun Mar 18 20:01:50
[16:59] * Don is now known as Donseluke
[16:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Donseluke Donseluke
[16:59] * Donseluke sets mode: +b *!*
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 1 halted
[16:59] * Jizz was kicked by Donseluke (HEIL DON)
[16:59] <~Donseluke> Dictatorship for the win.
[17:00] <~Donseluke> I should have tried it sooner.
[17:02] <SkulFuk> ohnoes
[17:02] <SkulFuk> he's drunk with power
[17:02] <~Donseluke> YES YES YES!!! AHAHHAHAHAHA
[17:02] <~Donseluke> Anyway.
[17:02] <~Donseluke> How's your day been skul?
[17:02] <SkulFuk> it's been drunk
[17:03] <SkulFuk> long easter holiday etc
[17:03] <SkulFuk> friday -> monday
[17:03] <~Donseluke> Thats the life.
[17:03] <~Donseluke> Can't say that i am, or have been sober since last monday being sick and all.

....And life goes on...
Last edited by Donseluke; Apr 9, 2012 at 07:07 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
yup... hurray for demonic bunnies that lay eggs.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
sulfur lots and lots of sulfur
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit

This is The Milk.

Band's gonna be big some day
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Yep, if you are into that kind of music... which i'm not a fan of in particular.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
meh British people
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit