i know no one cares for trampoline shit but i landed a quintuple back pretty much
hopefully the link isnt broken because it might be
Attached Files
BounceInc.tbm (32.0 KB, 9 views)
hi send me a pm idc what its about i just like seeing the little bolded number itll be a nice surprise when i come back to this site it 3 weeks

oh also heres what my submission for oc 10 wouldve been if i wasnt a lazy piece of shit
Attached Files
M - SSCIIIC.rpl (314.1 KB, 76 views)
well i don't think that was going to be accepted anyway cuz the body didn't dm :v.
the long air holding you did at the begin wasn't a great idea tbh
spinz were pretty good
dms are as always, really damn good
i mean who the fuck can get croch dm with that first kick?
transitions between dms were fine
pretty good replay overall
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
That decap is the sexiest thing ive seen in a while. Rest is fucking cool aswell, idk, at this point idk how im suprised at you make theese quality replays, fucking godtier
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Cnc time.
Okay, opener was just... wtf man, I've seen way better from you.
Lift is ok.
Spin part of the lift is denk.
Decap looks really bad and fake since you didn't bruise.
Relaxed uke manips are hard to do, props.
Hit is ehh, where are the dms mang.
Skeet was a little too obvious.

Overall, this is probably one of your lesser good replays. 6/10
(useless post was removed)
Last edited by tabby; Sep 4, 2017 at 08:18 PM.