Oh nice You're Filipino! So am I. What a coincidence. Anyways I thought your application was down right amazing. You explained everything very well and clearly. And you are very forum active as well. I give a big fat YES.
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Hi to the members of Electric! I bet you weren't expecting me, eh?

My name is Riches, although you can call by any one of my many nicknames: Fries, Spar, Asian, etc.
I'm a full blown Asian, specifically Filipino, so you can expect me to do all your math homework in 5 minutes. It doesn't matter how many questions or pages, I'll find a way.
I'm only 14, but I try to be as mature as possible and I currently live in the state of Texas where everything is bigger except my penis.

My time in Toribash has been a bit... chaotic.

I started playing this game when I was looking for good free indie games because I'm poor (obv becuz ason) and I had an account called Friesguy that I created in Nov 2012.
I watched many videos about the game before I played it and always had an interest with cool singleplayer replays. As you can guess, I was just horrible. I couldn't stand for more than 3 turns before I faceplant on the ground.
I tried out multiplayer and was slightly intrigued with it. I played a large variety of mods and never really stuck to anything until I was a green belt.

At this time, I was playing a whole ton of Twinswords. I just thought about all the possibilities and new moves I can come up with with swords as hands. I played Twinswords until blue belt, and then I had this awesome idea to make another alt.

As NexGamer, I played Judo, Taekkyon, Wushu, and made a whole bunch of retarded singleplayer mods. Not much to say about that.

And then SparChar was made.

As you can guess, I made this account with sparring in mind. I thought sparring was the coolest shit ever and I wanted to learn and get good at it. At this stage, I was able to create decent replays, spar, parkour, and even play wushu extremely well. One could say that the summer of 2013 was my prime.

In October 2013, a clan called Kaen no Mai or (k) was made by Cyronex. I quit MOFF in order to help the new clan and since I pretty much knew Cyri, I think he just straight up let me in. We had a good thing going and the clan had a very active forum and skype group. Everybody was always chatting. I even made friends like Tarail, Mai, Cyri, SenseiKitten or w/e he goes by now, Miku, and ThePebble. They were the reason I started getting so active in the forums.
We were also a wushu group, but unfortunately the group was only active long enough to start 1 war with The Fearless. Our clanmate, Submerge, also recorded it.

If you're curious enough :P

Anyways, when the clan had a name change to RWBY, everything pretty much fell apart from there. After four good members left, our leader got stressed out and other people started leaving. I stayed until the very, very end, until it was just Tarail and I and an inactive player actually. In fact, I'm still with them. My alt resides with the clan in case I'm to revive it which probably won't happen.

I stayed with Moffia afterwards and just kinda didn't know what to do. Despite my increasing knowledge of replaying making, I was slowly getting less and less active in the game, but I stayed active in the forums. The game got really boring with nothing else to do. No friends, no nothing. like real life

I then started playing League of Legends with Tarail who is completely disconnected to Toribash and is also 2-3 years older than me. He was the only one I could stay connected to, but nobody cares about that. or anything I've typed above for that matter

So now, here I am. Trying to get active with the game since I am getting burnt out on League, and I think joining Electric can help me with that.

Skype is friesguy5467
Steam is SparChar/friesguy5467
My GMT is -5
So feel free to contact me if you guys need help, although a PM might work better.


Let me join the clan pls, I'll suck your Deak, DickManiac.

P.S. sorry for huge ass app

I'm sorry for invading, but I saw this, and lurking so much, I had to vouch for this guy. He's great on the forums, he's been a loyal member to (MOFF) for ages, and is active as much as he can be. Honestly a great member, and I see no reason to deny this guy.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
info about me:Hi my name is jared aka Sild im 15 and i love toribash im currently a orange belt but i used to have an account awhile ago that was black belt but i forgot the information,i am always on toribash and i have skype, its name is BEARS!!, i love ABD and most of all i love to do wars. i do best in wars because i actually have to try in order to win the war. i also love to meet new people and i love to have fun .

why i want to be in [e]: Well foobi said i should try and make an app and i said why not . i also want to join e because it was a really good clan before it died awhile ago. i also seen some other members and they arnt complete assholes like other clans

Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
^proof i read the thingy.

Originally Posted by sild View Post
info about me:Hi my name is jared aka Sild im 15 and i love toribash im currently a orange belt but i used to have an account awhile ago that was black belt but i forgot the information,i am always on toribash and i have skype, its name is BEARS!!, i love ABD and most of all i love to do wars. i do best in wars because i actually have to try in order to win the war. i also love to meet new people and i love to have fun .

why i want to be in [e]: Well foobi said i should try and make an app and i said why not . i also want to join e because it was a really good clan before it died awhile ago. i also seen some other members and they arnt complete assholes like other clans

Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
^proof i read the thingy.


no for me, isn't experienced enough or forum active.
Originally Posted by sild View Post
info about me:Hi my name is jared aka Sild im 15 and i love toribash im currently a orange belt but i used to have an account awhile ago that was black belt but i forgot the information,i am always on toribash and i have skype, its name is BEARS!!, i love ABD and most of all i love to do wars. i do best in wars because i actually have to try in order to win the war. i also love to meet new people and i love to have fun .

why i want to be in [e]: Well foobi said i should try and make an app and i said why not . i also want to join e because it was a really good clan before it died awhile ago. i also seen some other members and they arnt complete assholes like other clans

Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
^proof i read the thingy.


Sorry to to say but it's a no for me due to the fact that you're a super low belt and you didn't do a decent enough application. Maybe re-write the application and add more information and I MIGHT give you a yes only if you get tried out to get in.

For now:
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