13chillz make something for the HotM event so we can compete and stuffz.


Edit: Eh actually only four days left so I dunno. Maybe not. If you have the time to finish something, I'll make sure to finish my entry.
Last edited by GoodBox; Nov 15, 2016 at 02:24 AM.
NV had something drawn so maybe he will enter. I might need a good idea tho, not just some standard stuff. If your on fire just stay up all night to draw.
Feeling bored, been long enough that I should be able to sketch something thats not boring.
Time to start pretending Im the best again.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Dengue your icon scares me.

Any of you guys ever start a drawing with something in mind, and in the process come up with something completely different? Probably yes I'm guessing. At that point now, feel like I have to put in work to finish what's there since it deviated so much from the original thought. I should quit things midway more. I think I'm going to go back and try the same idea again and hopefully won't deviate this time.
