Originally Posted by Azure View Post
omg I also in your situation right now. Besok ujian praktek B. Indo harus ngedongeng tapi gak tau ceritanya apa :'
Can you give me a good and short story? :'L

Once upon a time there's a old-man named Sicks. He's so Sicks.
3 months passed, he's still Sicks and always doing Sicky things.
After a year passed, he got some Sicks that makes him Sicks.

-- THE END --

Praise me.

Note : Dulu gua pas Ujian Praktek B. Indo malah ngarang cerita gaje dan akhirnya bisa dapet nilai yang gaje juga.
Praise me tho. 90+ (not perfect though)
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- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Yes everything has changed.

Nope. Lololerz still call me nobo and such.

Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
Once upon a time there's a old-man named Sicks. He's so Sicks.
3 months passed, he's still Sicks and always doing Sicky things.
After a year passed, he got some Sicks that makes him Sicks.

-- THE END --

Praise me.

Note : Dulu gua pas Ujian Praktek B. Indo malah ngarang cerita gaje dan akhirnya bisa dapet nilai yang gaje juga.
Praise me tho. 90+ (not perfect though)

69 is perfect. 69 is love. 69 is life.
And, I've found the story I wanted... about Hansel and Gretel (CMIIW).
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Oh ya , atau enggak ambil cerita dari thread sambung cerita aja.

Too absurd for me
Actually, those stories in there are too Creative even for me.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
Actually, those stories in there are too Creative even for me.

gw malah gak nyampe ke sana pikirannya .-.
lagian properti gak gampang dicari :'L
ya, saya harus pake properti untuk ngedongeng.
Hansel and Gretel pake properti?
Teman2 mu pasti senang dapet permen gratis habis ngedongeng.
not dead
Mmm properti
Cerita tentang perang jihad aja
Make bom beneran
Berjasa lu buat satu sekolah. (Murid murid bebas dari tirani guru)
Trocher3 kamu terlihat benci banget sama sekolah?
Jangan-jangan pernah ketemu emon ya?
hahaha jks.
not dead