Sup3's Last post - 3 days ago
Vince's Last post (up till just) - 3 days ago
Juha's Last post - 4 days ago
Cog's Last Post - 5 days ago
Viper's Last Post - 5 days ago
You forgot baby neo who has yet to post anything.
mhm this is very true. but there things that need to be done. People cant be pro time managers like you and I.
Darkfire is officially closed.

It's a lie I tell you
Last edited by Iceage; Jun 19, 2011 at 06:54 PM.
Ice if your joking its not funny and if your serious i want a real reason not just inactivity like how we are

you owe me and the clan a solid reason Why YOU feel Darkfire should be closed
From now on I'm gonig to have to be more of a control freak and get things done

We've been going nowhere for a long time

too long.

I'm off do do some work, see you guys later
Last edited by Iceage; Jun 19, 2011 at 06:54 PM.
\o/ yeah df is back and rolling. But you guys really need to upgrade that application and also need to upgrade the dsc
Nice improvements on the front page, but you'll still have to put the IRC link there.

I agree, the members should post at least 4 times a week, this is a minimum requirement.

But people also have other things on thier plate, I'm in the middle of exam's (last one tomorrow woooooo) So i wouldn't get to disappointed in them just PM them a warning of the infringement if they don't respond it may result in dropping them from the team.

Once my exams are over I'll be discussing here about the things we need to do to ensure a succseful application to become an official clan.
Need a texture? Check out Head Shop of Chaos
ok guys i got an idea

i was in the making of a huge banner with every1 thats in the clan at the time in it

and also i was making like a little card for some people too

and in these thing i was thinking some kanji which are chinese symbols for words

or should we do some sort of epic line like for ice it could be" In the Darkest Night and The Hottest Flame there is always Ice"