Hey guys! I see, those who had seen the vid, liked it and im very happy to hear that Anyone wannu play or smth.?
are signatures even a thing anymore..?
Guys.. we have a chat now! thanks goes out to bluevolts.. ho made it for us! <3<3
go to main page and click on the red "Flip" button and we can chat.. !

nice huh? me "mobin"...[flip]
BoiiSammy's App
Real name: Samuel Davies

Belt: 2nd dan

Rank: I was rank 2000 yesterday but i went up to 4000


Skype(raises chances of getting in): I have a skype but can't remember my login. I will make a new one.

Previous clans(if none put none): Decap

Reasons why you left the clan: The leader of the clan acted immature and would kick me if i beat him in aikido or mushu, which was pretty much all the time.

Previous bans(if none put none): None

Previous infractions(if none out none): None

Why do you want to join this clan: It seems really cool and i like the essence of it. I'm interested in parkour and sparring and also fighting mods. I have also been told i would be a good addition to it. I have always wanted to join it.

Most have 3 replays ?

GMT: (GMT + 0:00)

Most active days you're on: Im pretty much on everyday.

Tell us a little about yourself: Well i beatbox, draw, and pen tap. I am 15 years old. I have won a lot of talent shows especially at my school. I play grand theft auto san andreas multiplayer :P

Best mod(s): Mushu, Aikido, parkour.

Will you follow the rules?: Definitely

What member (If any one [flip]) sent you here: Shinkinmen and 2 others and i cant remember their names right now.

Skills (Video making, art, banners etc: Art but not computer art, beatboxing.

Alts (If any): Nope

Anyone you know in this clan: Shinkinmen, Gman, Potram, bugbunny.
Last edited by Boiisammy; Jul 26, 2013 at 10:59 PM. Reason: Know more people in the clan.
Originally Posted by Boiisammy View Post
Real name: Samuel Davies

Belt: 2nd dan

Rank: I was rank 2000 yesterday but i went up to 4000


Skype(raises chances of getting in): I have a skype but can't remember my login. I will make a new one.

Previous clans(if none put none): Decap

Reasons why you left the clan: The leader of the clan acted immature and would kick me if i beat him in aikido or mushu, which was pretty much all the time.

Previous bans(if none put none): None

Previous infractions(if none out none): None

Why do you want to join this clan: It seems really cool and i like the essence of it. I'm interested in parkour and sparring and also fighting mods. I have also been told i would be a good addition to it. I have always wanted to join it.

Most have 3 replays ?

GMT: (GMT + 0:00)

Most active days you're on: Im pretty much on everyday.

Tell us a little about yourself: Well i beatbox, draw, and pen tap. I am 15 years old. I have won a lot of talent shows especially at my school. I play grand theft auto san andreas multiplayer :P

Best mod(s): Mushu, Aikido, parkour.

Will you follow the rules?: Definitely

What member (If any one [flip]) sent you here: Shinkinmen and 2 others and i cant remember their names right now.

Skills (Video making, art, banners etc: Art but not computer art, beatboxing.

Alts (If any): Nope

Anyone you know in this clan: Shinkinmen, Gman, Potram.

now thats an app! ;-) thank u for ur intresst.
would be awesome if u could post 3 replays.. u like and u think we like! ;-) can also be multiplayer replays.. me "mobin"...[flip]