Endurance Onslaught 6.0
That's why you have Lolking.net up in a tab and look at their history. I learned my lesson the hard way as I said earlier. Two games in one day with trolls in the 1550-1600 range.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
That Trundle is a troll!

Hmm, I need a good jungler which you can carry with..

If you're looking for a jungle carry, Nocturne is your best bet.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
That Trundle is a troll!

Hmm, I need a good jungler which you can carry with..

I'd suggest Malph. While his ganks pre 6 aren't the best, his ult can turn a what seems to be an already lost game around and he's like mega fast in the jungle.
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
oh god no
you forgot to say that he cant gank and is useless pre-6.

And you forgot to say in teamfight he's amazingly disruptive, hard to kill, and has one of the best initiates in the game (1.7 seconds of nonstop CC on a huge range)
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
And you forgot to say in teamfight he's amazingly disruptive, hard to kill, and has one of the best initiates in the game (1.7 seconds of nonstop CC on a huge range)

he was looking for a jungler to carry with, assuming he cant gank until level six, the lanes will feed like hell until then because of the enemy jungler.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
I'm new to this game , I really need a champion to be my main , any good ones?
I feel like ranged is mroe my style.

If you're new, you need to be trying out all sorts of champions. But if you want ranged, AP mid or AD carry is what you're looking for. This weeks free champion list contains 5 ranged champions.
-Ashe: Easy AD carry. She uses natural slows to keep enemies from running, and her ultimate can help the team from across the map with it's stun+slow.
-Varus: One of the harder AD carries. I can't say much on him, since I don't play him, but he has an outstanding poke that hits people from far away until he is ready to move in for the kill.
-Heimerdinger: An AP mid. His primary weapon of destruction and signature skill is his turrets, which he sets up where he pleases do attack enemies for him. He is very slow, and has little escape in exchange for his great damage output.
-Viktor: Can't say much about him, since I haven't use him once in my life. But he is an AP mid, who has a unique item that can boosts his stats that no other champion can get. He has good CC, and high damage, but be warned his primary attack is glitchy and semi-broken.
-Sona: She is a support (to the AD carry.) Her special ability is she is constantly playing rhythms that buff nearby allies for either a damage buff, increased defense, or a movement speed boost. All of these rhythms can be activated again to switch auras, or heal allies, attack enemies, or boost ally movement speed even more. Her ultimate is very valuable in team fights, as it stuns whoever is in her path. She is an easy support, who is fun to play.

Originally Posted by Kat View Post
he was looking for a jungler to carry with, assuming he cant gank until level six, the lanes will feed like hell until then because of the enemy jungler.

Now I definitely have no better word over you, but I'm going to disagree on this one. The amount of time it would take to level to 6 with WW would be minuscule if you aren't spending the time for ganks. Assuming you're doing nothing but clearing out jungle/invading their jungle/cover top+mid, you could reach level 6 before anything major happens to the game.
daddy kill the spider
well you got a point, im still sticking with mine though, the enemy can just camp one lane, give them early kills before you can do anything and then that lane will snowball.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I'm making an average of about 400-500 ip per day so which champion should I get out of Darius and Lee-Sin to replace my Warwick? I like high attack speed and life steal.

+Things like ad mid or ap carry do not matter, I only play twisted treeline.
Dose is dead.
Diana is bulllllsshiiiitttttttt.

I'm not even a good fucking jungle, but she's so easy mode that it doesn't even matter. I have never went ANYWHERE near negative with her, and every game I've played I've gotten at least a triple with her before I even buy non-gp5s
nyan :3
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