Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Ok, but what's the point of changing the core function of the game if there is so little difference?

the difference is lowering the barrier to entry so people can pick it up easier than now, and also allowing more freedom in movement, such as wrists and shoulders rotation, hips and feet tilt, without introducing any extra complexity on the controls, due to control scheme being straightforward

you know, you need to install blender and download a ready rigged model to see what i mean. no worries blender is free and there are tons of rigged modes out there on the internets, also free

Originally Posted by Mack View Post
And what about that relaxed movement that I mentioned? I feel like you're kind of cherry picking these arguments.

i don't know what about it, i suggested to select parts that will be disabled and flop like dead in what we normally call a relax state, and it would not be actively used for movement you do with drag, and i explained this literally in my previous post

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
Trust me Mack, I've noticed that too. Snake seems to like to choose his arguments instead of voicing the whole thing.

you ask something specific - we talk specific, the whole idea was posted on the first page already, or do you expect me to come up with a whole game design document?... it's supposed to be a discussion, no?
people talk, think about different aspects, figure stuff out

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
I've said this before, but I like the current joint system as it is. I think a mix between click and drag and ball clicking would be ideal.

nope, thats a clutter, a control interface should be unified and streamlined, even from a design standpoint, so eather one or another, and since we are going to get Noribash Text as a new game, i think we should drop the whole legacy concerns out of the window and hope for an innovative easy to pick up controls, so more people will be able to play it and enjoy it, as this is the main gripe new players have with the game, since it's 2018 and now 2006, so everybody expect IK controls

and this is evident on the example of Bowblend, he is a new player and these were exact his concerns, and this is just the one new player who really liked the game and wanted to help to make it better to the point of bothering to go on forums and make a thread about it, while dozens or even hundreds of players just drop the game, without bothering themselves.

and well, i have to admit i was thinking about it for quite awhile too, may be a couple of years, and how new am i to the game? ;p

vanilla toribash is going to stay anyway, and it's not going to be shut down, that was stated even in Noribash Text announcement thread, so obviously, there going to be both games avaiable, so whats the point in making new game exactly the same without fixing it's main flaw of horrid outdated controls?...

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
One thing that I think would be cool that doesn't directly apply to controls would be the implementation of bending joints. You can extend your arm and contract it, but your arm has the potential to bend to the left or right a slight bit, like in irl. This would have to be an unintentional thing, like you're in an armbar and your opponent bends your arm backward more than it's supposed to go. It could bend a little but backward, and then fracture, if that makes sense.

that might be a side effect, or i should say a likely side effect of IK control

just have to have strength of bodyparts to be set atleast in a resemblance of anatomically correct
Last edited by snake; Jan 8, 2018 at 12:57 AM.
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