Working on both of these:

Ordered these:

So I'm waiting for those before I go in to the smaller details.
Last edited by Ezeth; Jan 27, 2022 at 03:27 PM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Thanks, self-portrait I'm working on, trying to draw hair now, I'm pretty bad at it.

You look like Jesse Pinkman.
Nice art thread.
How are you?
Thanks man, continiued a bit with the bird

Got my brushes in the mail yesterday, its so much fun now.
Feel like its so much more fun to paint, when I'm able to draw those small details. I'm addicted now.

Continiued a bit on the teddybear
Last edited by Ezeth; Feb 3, 2022 at 08:24 PM.
Nice bird. It must be brave to sit so close to those thorns.

When you are addicted to details, I recommend you get yourself some high quality aquarelle pencils.
You don't even need a lot of colors because you can blend them with water.
They are really amazing to make your shading pop straight out of the paper too.

It will bring small details to the next level. It's really nice.
How are you?

Some new stuffs

Also did an artwork entirely with knife.

its a bit more abstract, the idea is that the thickness of the paint makes it look 3dimensional because I used the knife in the direction of the trunk/branches, it looks better IRL
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 21, 2022 at 10:25 PM.
That tree looks great man. I bet it would be fantastic to just trip and stare at. How big is it in real life?