I don't know how did you do that in 15 minutes, but bloody hell that was incredible :O

Opener was incredibly smooth. The spin was fucking amazing, and the follow up crotch kick blew my mind.
That punch boom was just perfect. You left me speechless.
This was one of your best, if not the best replay you have ever made. Hands down.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
The opener was alright, nothing I haven't seen before. The crotch kick was nicely aimed, but pretty basic looking. The follow up punch did a nice amount of DMs, but it looked a bit awkward to me seeing your body angled strangely. But, it aimed your punch nicely, so I could look away from that. Pose was nice.
Overall, this replay wasn't too special, it had nice booms and all, but really, nothing was too complex. Good job aiming your hits, though.
I'm late to the party on this one but lets imagine I was the first one to reply.
Fucking hell nice replay man, honestly I'm speechless with this. Arguably your best replay.
The only Problem is that everything was basic, nothing was new or creative. Props man I'd rate this 9.5/10, keep it up!

oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
hi guys, I'm back. i have good news and bad news. bad news is that I'm not going to make a replay like that again for a while. good news is that its 2 weeks until summer and i have about a month and a half of no plans at all. YAY

(also, i got this sexy new avatar from eki27, ex clan member, huge props and thanks to him!)
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M - 1337 Player.rpl (223.2 KB, 7 views)
Replay was nice and short, bitch jerky/twitchy and you had some issues with momentum. The random arm dm kind of annoyed me and the dick boom was kind of out of nowhere like decap oh hey boom. It didnt really look great without anything. It kind of was just there. Great job otherwise though.
oh hey, 69 posts :P why are these things funny to me
so though i haven't been on the forums very much i have been making replays, and for once i don't show you a bad split cap or a weird ass madman, i bring you, A MANIPULATION. i know. astonishing.