This thread is dead , look at the dates on the comments prior to yours .
Also slash is inactive..
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
did you really bump a thread from 3 years ago
there is literally a comment, right above yours, saying

"This thread is dead , look at the dates on the comments prior to yours .
Also slash is inactive.."
Rob at and zombie head 8k
Ooo posts nvm
Last edited by SirVooDoo; Aug 9, 2014 at 12:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I make textures n stuff.... And i love hentai. Peace and love <3
Wow. Thanks for the bump from two(really 4-5) years ago.
Sorry to everyone who I left hanging (if they even see this0
Some other commitments came up and took a lot of time, so I had to leave playing the game.
But now im back
That aside;

powergrid:128 head, really depends on the quality you'd like, offer the TC and ill try my best for the TC you've offered
Dam so it was you! I bought that tribal set from koenaw recolored!
Thats great
Could I request something like this : http://imgur.com/0JVOfV3

My budgett will be 50-150k. Ty Dont copy tho, I want it unique without the joints
Last edited by Valkyr; May 3, 2016 at 02:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump