Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Reinstate a Past Ranking System (An Argument for Change)
Please think clearly about what I'm going to say about the ranking system before you just say no.

This ranking system was a cool attempt at making the "better players" have a higher rank but it simply didn't work.

To quote [RAWR]Dargon:

The problem is ELO systems don't work in a game like toribash.

My main argument is that the current ELO system supports the absolute opposite of what Nabi Studios would want to have in an atmosphere to acquire new players. It also casts out enthused players who want to try lots of different things and learn from better more experienced people.

1) The current system rewards those who don't try a variety of mods.

Most high rank people (Read: 1-35) are there because they played the hell out of 1 mod and didn't venture off to try other mods. The point being that it's way easier to go 60 wins 2 losses in a game like jousting with one decent opener against new players and have a super high ELO (proof... well me) than it is to go 20-5 in a slower mod like Wushu.

Playing MORE mods should be what the game encourages; however, if you start playing aikido and only have an ELO of say 1610, when your jousting ELO is 1700, your rank plummets. Thus playing more mods currently is a bad thing.

2) The point system doesn't work and frustrates members.

A good example is what happened to me yesterday. I played brushu, and won a game against [fl0w]Deprav (a highly ranked brushu player), then a game against [Alpha]Logic (the #1 ranked brushu player in toribash), followed by a loss to the ranked 120th player or somewhere in that region. The net result? I actually lost 2 ELO points. I won 2 games, and lost 1, my 2 games were incredibly quality wins, and actually got a WORSE rank.

This just goes to show the math simply isn't working here. If you can beat the absolute best player, a fantastic player, and then lose to a great player, and be worse off when you started... well that's simply counter-intuitive isn't it?

3) The current system discourages playing people who aren't good (the Ambassador argument)

Better players of toribash are really the ambassadors for Nabi studios more than even GameMasters from time to time. They give new people a chance of what could come of them and the beauty of highly skill play. But the current system deterrs amazing people to play those who aren't good because one lost game can make the great player lose a LOAD of ranking. Getting a streak of 5, then losing once, only to have the same or worst ranking as you started is completely disheartening. You should want great players to want to play with not-so-great-ones to really show what your character can look like, what toris can do, and learn from them.

http://forum.toribash.com/tori_ranki...?username=Mojo This is the #1 Ranked player in Toribash. Check out the stats. Notice anything? Outside of JOUSTING and KATANA this player, the player who will represent all of the thousands of thousands of players who some started in 7 years ago as NUMBER ONE has a 1600 ranking in almost every skill mod out there. Has Wushu3, aikido, taekkyon, you name it. 1600 is the starting elo...

4) Our current top ranked leaders aren't role-models (a continuation of the Ambassador argument)

SEVEN of the top TEN players ranked globally in toribash haven't reached 3rd Dan Black Belt. Two of them haven't even reached black belt yet. These members aren't well-known good people in great clans that people aspire to. There are absolutely amazing players in clans like [RAWR] whos rank is near the 2000's meanwhile players you and I have never even heard of are sporting the highest of ranks. Is that really who you want to learn is the "best"? Who would you feel more comfortable being rank 5: TIcux, or "BigClitor" or "BigPrick" (I kid you not, those last 2 are both in the top 10)

5) Promotes rage quitting. It's simple: if you have a 1700 mmr in jousting and someone has a 1590 mmr rating, and they are about to lose to you, they'll lose a shit ton of ranking unless they ragequit. We should be encouraging people to stay the whole match.

TLR Summary

The current system makes unaccomplished players look like heroes to new players, tells people not to play a variety of mods, encourages the play of simple fast mods like judo and jousting over a variety of mods that might take more skill (aikido, aikidobigdojo, lenshu, wushu, taekkyon, judofrac) to name a few, mathematically seems to not work, and discourages the great players who should serve as ambassadors from playing with new players, and RAGE QUITTING.

The Solution? Bring back the QI system!!!

The highest rank people should be the people with the highest QI because that's what actually works in Toribash. Why?

1) Because rage quitting sucks and we should encourage people to stay through the whole match. Rank 15 whoever should want to accept defeat against rank 500,000 white belt honorably because he might be getting closer to Rank 14. Meanwhile, that white belt's DAY WAS MADE beating you.

2) It give quantifiable reason to PLAY TORIBASH. The more you play, the more QI you get, the higher your rank. The old people who have given years and years don't feel like idiots with thumbs up where the sun don't shine because they're rank 3000, and the newer players WANT black belt, 2nd dan, 5th dan, 10th dan, WHATEVER to improve their rank! Isn't a line-up like Tripstone, DJ, TIcux, Nuthug, Kamiko, Dargon a better top 6 than .... Mojo, Kindercat, zaeby, PREY3R, and pedart?

3) It doesn't discourage you from playing any mod you want. Sure, jousting is faster than aikido, and a person who only plays jousting will get QI faster and have a higher rank. But at least if you like jousting, and you decide to play some aikido, you won't completely f over your rank playing it.

4) It encourages coherency AND LEARNING throughout toribash. When you want to get good at a mod, you typically surround yourself with people much better than you (ergo, want to be an aikido player? Play team sambo members. Etc). But you're going to lose a lot doing that. I don't think you should hate yourself from trying to learn a mod because it dropped your rank from 200 to 1700.

And I ALREADY know the major criticism. THIS SYSTEM PROMOTES FARMING!!!

Yes. It does. Having QI determine your rank absolutely promotes farming. But what sounds better of a problem? Farmers farming, and more than likely getting caught because we have ways to catch farmers pretty easily (check out that community ban list!) or having hundreds of people rage quitting to save their rank? Losing rank by the hundreds from trying something new? I think the choice is obvious.

A last point

All of toribash has ever been is playing more toribash. Since you first joined, you probably wanted to wear a color that required you play more games, or get a belt you want, even a custom belt, etc. Make the system reflect what toribash is actually about-> stress-free fun, punishment free, playing. We already have our win-loss ratio publicly posted. If you want to prove your skilled try to increase that. There's no need for this system which 100% DOESN'T work.

To those of you who have read all of that, thank you. I appreciate it. To those of you who didn't, I recommend you do, because you're going to probably make posts that I've already addressed in this argument.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; May 23, 2013 at 03:21 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
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Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
Or we don't try one at all. You said yourself you're not concerned about ranks, and hyde doesn't give a damn about rank either because it makes no sense in this game because of the reasons he listed. Sure i might be ripping what you said out of context or that not everyone would be happy about this, but i still stand by my point. There is no generic (and significant) competition going on other than the events we create for ourselves, so no ranking is actually necessary (other than that "best of champions" thread powas made some time ago) Best way to deal this "problem", is to make it go away.

That's always an option as well. Then again, it is only my own opinion that ranks are un-important. I don't think my opinion is very widespread.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
I may be wrong in this, but couldn't we fix this problem by implementing some sort of harsh rate of elo decay that is inversely proportional to the number of mods the player is active in? (I'm focusing on the ambassador concept here, but elo decay should be for mod specific elo too). Global elo could also weighted relative to how active a player is in a mod if it isn't already, so they can "dip" into new mods with little loss.

I think this is what William meant when he said that rank should be based off activity.
Last edited by GoodBox; Jun 2, 2013 at 07:56 PM.
Originally Posted by GoodBox View Post
I may be wrong in this, but couldn't we fix this problem by implementing some sort of harsh rate of elo decay that is inversely proportional to the number of mods the player is active in? (I'm focusing on the ambassador concept here, but elo decay should be for mod specific elo too). Global elo could also weighted relative to how active a player is in a mod if it isn't already, so they can "dip" into new mods with little loss.

I think this is what William meant when he said that rank should be based off activity.

How harsh are we talking? I don't want to be bouncing from mod to mod each day just to make sure one of my ranks doesn't fall off the deep end.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
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So say that someone is active in only one mod. One possible system of decay is that after two weeks of inactivity in that mod they lose 25 elo in that mod, and 25 for every week of inactivity thereafter.

The actual amount and times for decay could vary. But if 25 elo is appropriate for being active in one mod, then the rate of decay for inactivity versus the number of active mods would look like this:

Also, determining if someone is active in a mod is something that should not be the same as not earning the decay penalty for that mod. Using the previous example, you won't earn a decay penalty if you play one game every two weeks. However, it should take more than one game every two weeks to be considered active in a mod. How we should determine if someone is active though, I'm not sure. That system would probably consider maxframes, timeframes, and reaction time for each mod though.
I had thought of and idea while I was reading the 64 posts. Maybe global rank should be based off of the amount of mods you play and what your rank is in that mod.

I don't see any problems with that. Maybe because you guys are talking about mod rank, but it is kind of still in that topic.
You live once.You die once.Life will end some day.Those haters you see in the corner, should motivate you.
Originally Posted by jj3144 View Post
I had thought of and idea while I was reading the 64 posts. Maybe global rank should be based off of the amount of mods you play and what your rank is in that mod.

I don't see any problems with that. Maybe because you guys are talking about mod rank, but it is kind of still in that topic.

That won't work.

I could become mod rank 1 in 500 mods by simply making a mod that nobody's heard of and playing it once.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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I was talking to Saintowar earlier about this. The both of us thought it would be a really great idea to have a 1v1 matchmaking system. It could be on the main menu, and it would matchmake you with someone of similar elo where the both of you would play a best of five or so. It's basically dueling without the money at stake. This would give people an incentive to improve their play as well with this being a good way to have a ladder based on elo, so essentially people would get better as their elo improves while climbing said ladder. It would be great to have this per official mods (I would say one of the variants of TK, Wushu, Aikido, KB, Lenshu, Judo, and so on). One's overall global rating would be based on the average of one's elo in the 6 or so official mods.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I was talking to Saintowar earlier about this. The both of us thought it would be a really great idea to have a 1v1 matchmaking system. It could be on the main menu, and it would matchmake you with someone of similar elo where the both of you would play a best of five or so. It's basically dueling without the money at stake. This would give people an incentive to improve their play as well with this being a good way to have a ladder based on elo, so essentially people would get better as their elo improves while climbing said ladder. It would be great to have this per official mods (I would say one of the variants of TK, Wushu, Aikido, KB, Lenshu, Judo, and so on). One's overall global rating would be based on the average of one's elo in the 6 or so official mods.

I feel as if we run into a lot of problems with that.

The more "official" a specific game becomes, the more the game isn't about being fun. Which means there's even greater pressure to:

-Do rush pre-made moves in wushu
-Shovel in aikido
-Run in any applicable mod
-Disconnect/rage quit when losing

etc. etc.

Also, matchmaking systems don't really work anyways because unlike say a PVP arena, there's equally made alts. That is to say: farming could be arranged much easier in that system.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
I feel as if we run into a lot of problems with that.

The more "official" a specific game becomes, the more the game isn't about being fun. Which means there's even greater pressure to:

-Do rush pre-made moves in wushu
-Shovel in aikido
-Run in any applicable mod
-Disconnect/rage quit when losing

etc. etc.

Also, matchmaking systems don't really work anyways because unlike say a PVP arena, there's equally made alts. That is to say: farming could be arranged much easier in that system.

I highly doubt constant shovels, pre-made moves, and so on will work against the people that actually deserve to be at the high end of the ladder. It won't get them far. As for farming your rating with alts, it's not exactly that simple with a matchmade system because you can't choose your opponent. If anything, it's a lot easier to farm with the current system or a QI ladder.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I was talking to Saintowar earlier about this. The both of us thought it would be a really great idea to have a 1v1 matchmaking system. It could be on the main menu, and it would matchmake you with someone of similar elo where the both of you would play a best of five or so. It's basically dueling without the money at stake. This would give people an incentive to improve their play as well with this being a good way to have a ladder based on elo, so essentially people would get better as their elo improves while climbing said ladder. It would be great to have this per official mods (I would say one of the variants of TK, Wushu, Aikido, KB, Lenshu, Judo, and so on). One's overall global rating would be based on the average of one's elo in the 6 or so official mods.

hampa tried making this but didn't work. that's why their was a matchmaking option in the menu.
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