once again, I spent some more time on it, here it is


Last edited by CxTrXs; Nov 16, 2013 at 09:51 PM.
Kot: Looks neat. Remove the vent-thing on the right though and make it somewhat like the three in the left, not exactly the same. Try something else. And make the hair go "/\" in stead of "| |".

Cx: It looks quite cool, but there's something wrong about it... Try to make it look badass, like a mean beast that'll rape you. Also, hope you can make cleaner colors and shading, still looks quite unfinished.

Any top-tier artist out there who can blow my mind?
Actually looks really good.

Remove the "steam" rising from both vents, if possible.
Also, make the fire/charcoal darker, like dark red.

Not sure what more you can do, give it your final polishing and we'll wait for Cerberus and evt. others.
what?! :<<<<<<< much study, so no time, wow.

well...... I can still try, if ya want :P add me on skypez so you can remember me everytime z0d1ak25
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.