Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Well, the dinosaurs died and got replaced by humans..

So maybe in 2012 we will be replaced by further evolved creatues? Smarter and stronger than humans?

I don't know, just a thought.

Yea, in 2012 we will all get owned by anteaters... Really, what did you think? Humans are the superior race, and even if we do get overwhelmed and get repressed then it won't be in 2012..
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

I have to agree with Hyde in the case that we are always evolving in terms of being technological, but maybe not so much organically as a species. I say this because education is expanding and broadening to the extent that everybody will eventually know what's going on everywhere

I'm disregarding the possibility of a disease or apocalypse, and although possible, they both are a less likely variable in the contribution to our evolution.
We don't hire night janitors.
Originally Posted by Detori View Post
Humans are the most powerful species in the whole universe

I disagree, Lion vs Average Human = Lions Snack
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I disagree, Lion vs Average Human = Lions Snack

you would think that after a couple million years, we would have accumulated enough self respect to realize being able to build stuff makes us better than any predador.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by sid View Post
you would think that after a couple million years, we would have accumulated enough self respect to realize being able to build stuff makes us better than any predador.

Ok.. I throw you into a Cage with a Lion, both of you just using your bodies, what evolution gave you.

Who's gonna win?
The human body is perfect. It can't evolve. So if you are thinking "human body can evolve and be bigger, stronger, faster etc" no, it can't, it is perfect how it is, the only thing we can do is to learn how to use our body, it's incredible awesome the things you could do if you know some physics, it's truly awesome the power of the reason, plus the real capacity of the brain is still unknow, we can't evolve, we are in the top, we just need to know how to use what we have. If you were born tall and strong learn how to use what you have and you may impress yourself. If you were born with a major use of the reason and brain, learn how to use it and you'll dominate maths, physics, etc. Everyone is different, everyone have something that they are or can be good at.
Originally Posted by Aoc View Post
The human body is perfect. It can't evolve. So if you are thinking "human body can evolve and be bigger, stronger, faster etc" no, it can't, it is perfect how it is, the only thing we can do is to learn how to use our body, it's incredible awesome the things you could do if you know some physics, it's truly awesome the power of the reason, plus the real capacity of the brain is still unknow, we can't evolve, we are in the top, we just need to know how to use what we have. If you were born tall and strong learn how to use what you have and you may impress yourself. If you were born with a major use of the reason and brain, learn how to use it and you'll dominate maths, physics, etc. Everyone is different, everyone have something that they are or can be good at.

Sorry but I completely disagree, humans are far from perfect, emotions make us do reckless things etc.
I would make a list of human flaws but then it wouldn't end.
Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Well, the dinosaurs died and got replaced by humans..

So maybe in 2012 we will be replaced by further evolved creatues? Smarter and stronger than humans?

I don't know, just a thought.

Dinosaurs and many other species died most likely because of a meteor which caused the majority of the species on earth during that time went extinct. From one of the survived species human ancestors evolved and by chance the evolution of the brain led us here. However, if another meteor would strike, I see no reason why the surviving species would have a greater likeliness to end up being like us and physically stronger and smarter. If 2012 means devastation natural disasters, its effect will be similar to that of a meteor, and it will be completely a matter of chance what kind of species will evolve to our and all other species' place.

Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
like some others say , evolution is environment > adaptation>evolution
since most of our environment today are artificial we can't evolve
but we improve or modify our bodies in different ways like
1. through body building , you enlarge your body muscles (modify) to perform harder and better
2. sports , like when animals get used to their environment we humans get used to what we do , like we get used to the water if we are swimmers

but these are only semi modifications
when we talk of evolution its either we gain something important we didn't have or we lose something useless , according to Lamark's theory of use and disuse
if you use something more often you develop it and it enlargens

and lamark's theory of need
if you require another organ to survive in your habitat or environment you develop it from scratch or replace another limb or organ to take its place ,like how the first amphibians developed legs , from fins to feet and from gills to lungs

but its not impossible for us to evolve , we just need a major event to happen like a catastrophy acording to gorge's catastrophism theory
p.s I'm only in 1rst year highschool

I call bullshit. We are and will always be evolving, no matter what the environment.

Such as penis. No but seriously, you're on the right track. Although, it is too simple to say that natural selection simply classifies out the ones who for example have small eyes. Some animals have huge eyes but see much more unclearly than humans because our eye structure is more delicate. I'm just saying that saying that things we need to use more in order to survive get bigger is oversimplifying.

I can see that. Just kidding, you had some good points there.

Originally Posted by Ferras View Post
Yea, in 2012 we will all get owned by anteaters... Really, what did you think? Humans are the superior race, and even if we do get overwhelmed and get repressed then it won't be in 2012..

I think you're overly proud of our species. If you look around, regardless of that we have learned to live somewhat peacefully among each other, we are still physically weak compared to many other animals and often we fail to keep the peace. We are jealous, greedy and selfish creatures when it comes down to it. I'm trying to say that we well might go extinct in 2012 if you think about it.

Originally Posted by zyphendry View Post
I have to agree with Hyde in the case that we are always evolving in terms of being technological, but maybe not so much organically as a species. I say this because education is expanding and broadening to the extent that everybody will eventually know what's going on everywhere

I'm disregarding the possibility of a disease or apocalypse, and although possible, they both are a less likely variable in the contribution to our evolution.

We are getting smarter all the time for the least, and we are also getting taller. We will probably lose our hair and tailbone completely in addition to simple growth.

From what I've seen, people know surprisingly little of factual science and even world events. It's not about the knowledge available; it's about the people receiving it. We still have a lot of room for development.

Originally Posted by Detori View Post
Humans are the most powerful species in the whole universe

What a load of bullcrap condensed into 10 simple words. How can you know?

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I disagree, Lion vs Average Human = Lions Snack

Maybe in a fistfight, but not in chess.

Originally Posted by sid View Post
you would think that after a couple million years, we would have accumulated enough self respect to realize being able to build stuff makes us better than any predador.

Better intellectually and thinking about abstract concepts but 'better' is a vague expression which you should define. We can't judge a predator on its ability to play blackjack, or a human based on his ability to eat raw meat.

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Ok.. I throw you into a Cage with a Lion, both of you just using your bodies, what evolution gave you.

Who's gonna win?

Depends on the cage, depends on the lion, depends on the human. Moreover, what are you trying to prove?

Originally Posted by Aoc View Post
The human body is perfect. It can't evolve. So if you are thinking "human body can evolve and be bigger, stronger, faster etc" no, it can't, it is perfect how it is, the only thing we can do is to learn how to use our body, it's incredible awesome the things you could do if you know some physics, it's truly awesome the power of the reason, plus the real capacity of the brain is still unknow, we can't evolve, we are in the top, we just need to know how to use what we have. If you were born tall and strong learn how to use what you have and you may impress yourself. If you were born with a major use of the reason and brain, learn how to use it and you'll dominate maths, physics, etc. Everyone is different, everyone have something that they are or can be good at.

It hurts my brain to read what you have just threw up on this board. The human body isn't perfect whatsoever. You should start by defining the word perfect. If we're talking about physical abilities, we're not perfect. We could be faster. We could be smarter, and no matter how much you train your body or brain, it will never be perfect. With evolution we can increase your potential on all aspects, but most definitely in no way are humans perfect; it is very arrogant to think so. Furthermore, your "proof" of human superiority stomped on how you started explaining how "everyone is good at something in their own special way". Just plain ridiculous.

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Sorry but I completely disagree, humans are far from perfect, emotions make us do reckless things etc.
I would make a list of human flaws but then it wouldn't end.

Last edited by Jire; Nov 14, 2011 at 09:05 PM.
Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Depends on the cage, depends on the lion, depends on the human. Moreover, what are you trying to prove?

Just that a Giant Muscle Bound Cat will shred a Human if its just the human alone, using nothing but his fists.