Original Post
Nabis~Sev Assassin uke Comp ~10k~.
Hello Toribash Community Friends, and welcome to my tourney.
assassinate The Uke Comp!

What u need to do:
Well as the title said it, u have to assassinate the uke from behind, try to manipulate the uke so u can get behind him, and then BAM! BOM!, the uke will be dismembered, and yes if u are asking,you have to dismember something from the uke.

The manipulation.
The assassin move.
The dismember style.

1-No spamming or flaming.
2-No selling stuff.
3-No faking replays.
4-Don't judge the winner that i would pick or the rules.
5-You should dismember something from the uke AKA arm, leg, head, OFF!.

1-First place:7k.
2-Sec place:3k.

Time start/ending:
5 Days from now.

This tourney is overseen by kai-tiger.
Last edited by TheSev; Jan 1, 2009 at 08:32 PM.