Originally Posted by FoodEater View Post
The bug on mac where pgUp, pgDown, alt, caps lock, home, and end all produce a square in the chat box that you have to delete is still there. And it's especially annoying for special characters like umlauts, because you have to go back and delete the square before each accented letter.

öîè is what it basically looks like if you try to type accents. Or anything that requires alt. Like ∆˚∆ø∂∑ˆπßç. may seem small, which is why everyone has ignored me so far about it whenever I bring it up, but it's really annoying for me

Also, the timer is invisible on some servers. Like kickbox, for me right now.

Is somebody at least going to acknowledge this? I really want it fixed.

Also, trails are now only one sided; they are invisible from the other side. At least on the mac version while you have shaders on. It's not my graphics card, it used to work correctly. Fix that if you can please, because I just spent 35k on a trail texture.
When you're having fun in Free Play, and using the mod "000gun01.tbm". When you shoot with grabby hand, and it hits Uke, the game crashes, don't know if it only my S***y computer, or has it done it before. Three times I shot (hit) with grabby hands and crashed. Normal shot without grabby hands (hit) no crash.

I got the eye of Sharingan.
In multiplayer, sometimes a left click and not just a right click activates the player menu. This is really frustrating, since the area surrounding the name that can be clicked on to activate the menu is fairly large. If the glitch occurs, basically every time I try to grip my hands the menu pops up and gets in the way.
Originally Posted by Fluffie View Post
I can't get it work at all... Can someone help me?

What operating system do you have?
Also have you updated your drivers?

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Originally Posted by Jonggi View Post
why is my uke pink like amethyst(amethyst) and my tori is orange(amber)?

If you want them default again, go to \toribash\custom\uke and \tori, delete everything except the head.tga there.
Whoop Whoop
does anyone know why flames wont work on the new toribash it is damn annoying. Tell me if there is another way to get the flame settings on the screen.
Originally Posted by umpalumpa5 View Post
does anyone know why flames wont work on the new toribash it is damn annoying. Tell me if there is another way to get the flame settings on the screen.

From a thread where you asked this same question 25 mins ago.
Originally Posted by umpalumpa5 View Post
on the new toribash 3.8 how do you get flames?
I have wanted flames for ages so i got the new toribash and flames dont work. Ctrl+aLT+SHIFT+i=no flame

Originally Posted by Gumfighter View Post
type ctrl+L to bring up the forge in 3.8

Please do not post the same question in multiple threads. Especially when your question was answered already.
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In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars