I told you booming the last part was impossible.

But fo shizzle, son that replay is neat. The opener, to begin with, is just really amusing, and that 4dm boom looked really destructive. Absolutely lovely, good job.
The start was pretty creative and had good flow
The first hit was pretty nice but you could maybe have made the last hit just a little bit bigger, however the replay was really inpressive
and i enjoyed it. 7/10
[CT] [Obey] [Oshi]


i very like your newest replay ( Z - Madwheel ) but you need to add more freestyle in your Z - Wheel replay 9.5 out of 10 for all your newest replays ( don't stop doing some replays )
Proud member of ☢(WaR)☢ [OFRO]
Opener was good, looked a little ugly around 1400.
The knee dm was nice, even though it was a grab.
That boom was gorgeous, no way I could pull that off.
The ass boom was pretty good.
Pose was good.


Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
Thanks for all your CnC and support.

Here's a simple decap with a fancy opener due to lack of imagination.
Thoughts of it?! c:
Attached Files
Z - Desharp.rpl (112.6 KB, 76 views)
FINE ILL CNC, gawsh, I was busy.

To start off, some parts of your opener were a bit twitchy, like your lumbar and chest, etc.
When you jumped up in the air and contracted both knees, that subtracted from the realism a bit. It was stiff.
The kick was nice and clean, but it could've aimed better, and made to look more powerful.
I liked the pose.

Well, opener was alright, although I didn't like how wobbly and undecisive you looked.
The sudden change in speed between the launch and the moment you leave the ground makes the spin look unfitting, maybe smoothen that out a bit. However, it was a nice clean decap. Pretty nice job.