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Create Incentive for Veterans to Play
Pretty simple suggestion: there's nothing really appealing out there for people to earn in Toribash once they've hit 20,000 Qi. It's clear that this lack of promotional opportunities for Veteran players has an impact in their activity, or complete lack thereof.

The closest thing custom belts can talk about "achieving" or "earning" in Toribash is of course "God Belt"; however, that small cosmetic change isn't enough because custom belts can simply change their belt name on a whim to "God Belt" without any problem. That, and one three letter word is hardly a consolation for 30,000 more games to be played.

If you're here to agree or disagree that this is in fact an issue, please post. Additionally, this thread could be used to brainstorm suggestions for what exactly would serve as an incentive for Custom Belts to keep playing.

Some "stream of consciousness" suggestions from the top of my head:

1) Exclusive colors for 30,000/40,000/50,000 games played.
2) Custom made 3D Objects for 30k/40k/50k games played.

It's fiscally reasonable to create incentive for players to move on for thousands and thousands more games. The longer they stay here in Toribash, the more likely they'll throw money at the game. And although it'll never happen under the current people who are in charge of this- it'd be leaps and bounds better if these Objects/etc. can't in anyway be purchased or transferred.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 18, 2014 at 01:23 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
How about a reward for going up a belt? A small one of course.
For example:
White>Yellow = 5 tc
Yellow>Orange = 10 tc
Orange>Green = 15 tc
Green>Blue = 50 tc
Blue > brown = 75 tc
Brown > Black = 100 tc

Then after that you could have N*100 tc. Where N = number of dans.

So, 1st > 2nd = 200
2nd > 3rd = 300
3rd > 4th = 400
etc. etc.

Master belts would then get 10k, Custom belts 20k, god belts 50k, and so on and so on.
Just a thought that popped into my head. Criticism is expected.

I'm going to edit the OP to take away any mentioning of TC because people seem to be missing the point here:

Almost everything in Toribash is purchasable with USD. No-Qi Demon and Void is so cheap, that it's nonsensical at the moment to get 20,000 Qi. Beyond that point, there is nothing for the literally HUNDREDS of Toribash players who have played more than 20,000 games than that, let alone the 15 or so who have played more than twice that amount on one account. For those people- there is literally nothing to play for. Simply getting "God Belt" isn't enough, especially because we can just name our custom belt God Belt if we really want to.

So we need to create things for 30,000 Qi, 40,000 Qi, 50,000 Qi, and 60,000 Qi, that aren't purchasable in no Qi form with USD, that rewards player for playing the game. This reward would be only obtainable by those with the Qi meaning they either have to sink a huge amount of money to buy 40,000 Qi which would feed Nabi Studios a crap ton of extra money, which is good for developing purposes. OR, it would create incentive for custom belts to play games and again in attempt to get that item.

These things at the moment, best candidate, sounds like 3D objects. Hell, there are so little 40k Qi users that perhaps the 3D item could be requested specifically just for one user, and we could have a whole board for 40,000 or 50,000 or 60,000 or 30,000 whatever choose Qi users to post requests in the 3D Object Request board, sort of like legends do, to request our item forging team to make said items.

If I had just hit 20,000 Qi, and I found out I could have a special DrHax's Surgeon Mask 3D object when I get 30,000 Qi, I'd play a lot more Toribash to get that Surgeon Mask.

Someone mentioned new features ( I can't say Gameplay options, because I know the likelihood of that), well there was a time that flame forging could only be done by staff, and we released that feature to the public. Perhaps a 3D Object forging license, to forge their own unique 3D objects after 30,000 or 40,000 or 50,000 Qi? If it's abused in any way, which it likely won't be because players who have spent that much time or money into a game don't usually do that, it'd be handled like abusable flames or textures are handled. The cost of the object maker could be even higher than flames, meaning you'd sink even more TC.

You're not going to create just one simple solution to a complicated problem, but you can provide at least one solution to help solve the problem. This is such solution. Please don't let Qi purchasers distract you from rewarding veteran players. For one thing: no system is perfect, and for another: people who buy insane amounts of Qi are the ones supporting Toribash with money so we can actually pay for development of new features.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 18, 2014 at 01:31 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I think snake was right .
Originally Posted by snake View Post
the correct asnwer is: more gameplay features

The one thing that cannot be bought is experience. Part of what draws new players into this game is the jealousy they (possibly) have when watching someone who can control their character very well. Experienced players often have a lot of qi, items, and moves. New players can only copy them by buying qi or items. That is why the focus to draw veteran players should probably be based on gameplay features.

I remember when i first started i was always impressed by the veteran players because they had such good fighting styles. I imagine that watching them explode all of a sudden would have been even crazier to see.

Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Once you get custom belt there should be a button in-game that makes your tori explode.
You know it would blow minds.

edit: I think this would encourage people to buy qi, which is not kool.
I'd like some consolation for wasting 3 years of my life that some fat american kid can't buy with $20

This idea reminds me of my suggestion of controlled dismemberment. Having a button that could make you explode, or dismember specific joints would probably be a fun reward for veteran players. If buying qi is an issue, then what about making this something that has to be distributed like shia coins?

I think the incentive needs to be based on game play. Explode button too.
aint nothing to it but to do it
Drhax you seriously think by the time you have 20,000 games an item is going to inspire you to play for 3 more years and another 20,000 games. If your not motivated to play at 20,000 games it is because you are bored / done everything in toribash. Everyone leaves a game at some point and no amount of items is gonna make people stay.
Why not make a simpler, but at the same time more in-depth mod maker? this would mean more in-depth/complicated mods, so someone with enough patience could make a mod that's practically a new play feature.
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Make blackbelt rooms 15 or lower reactiontime and give 20 TC/win if you'd like to see them used more often.

Any room with a TC booster is about to be used more by some people.
We were talking about a reason to add Ultimate rooms back, and I doubt that the main reason why Smogard, snake and other guys who request them is a small TC boost that they can't get in private servers.

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Almost everything in Toribash is purchasable with USD. No-Qi Demon and Void is so cheap, that it's nonsensical at the moment to get 20,000 Qi.

Full no-qi Demon is $208, no-qi Void is $226. I don't think that it's too cheap.

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Beyond that point, there is nothing for the literally HUNDREDS of Toribash players who have played more than 20,000 games than that, let alone the 15 or so who have played more than twice that amount on one account. For those people- there is literally nothing to play for. Simply getting "God Belt" isn't enough, especially because we can just name our custom belt God Belt if we really want to.

I suppose that you still don't understand that adding an item wouldn't make people play more. As I said, it is some sort of "loyalty reward", but nothing more. People who've spent 3 or more years in the game play because they either like the mechanics of the game, or have friends in the community and like playing with them from time to time.
No item would make them play more. If it would make you personally launch the game more often, then request something on your own and don't act like everybody needs that.

Snake is right here, to bring old and experienced players back, new gameplay experience is needed. Anything that will make them master the game again. No cosmetics are to attract people for a long time - they're all nice but that's all. New gameplay features require much more work, and there's been so many of them suggested through all the years that making a new thread about this topic would be 98% useless.

Adding a "3D item forger" available only for custom belts and up wouldn't add anything to the game but spam free models from the net (untextured, looking horrible, oversized and so on). Those who think they can make good models, can apply to IF anytime or just make a model and suggest it to become an item. If their model gets approved and starts getting used, I will personally give it to them for free. Your Toribash belt is completely irrelevant when it comes to making objects and making the forger available when you get "x" qi is nonsense. We'd either implement Steam Workshop support for 3D models and other stuff that'll be available for everyone when we have a chance than let some group of people make bad items.
Last edited by sir; Oct 18, 2014 at 10:42 AM.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Yes, there were moments when people used to come to those ultimate rooms but they only happened like once a day which is not enough to keep a static room.

i maked suggestion about this
This is why i said that if anything a totally new mode of the game something no one has ever seen before. Not just som new mod but something that will turn the community on its head. Everythin has been the same with this game for 6 or more years and you dont even need to be a vet to see that it gets boring. Look at post #55
Last edited by Fates; Oct 18, 2014 at 05:54 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
A new item, a new color, or anything else wont get players to play longer or players that got tired of the game to come back.

By the time you hit 20k, the game gets really old. After that point, 10k more qi to get something isnt worth it.

The only way to get veterans to play is to bring back the fun they had when they started the game.
Personally I love having something to aim to like from 9-10th dan (10th to master is just too many games to call it a fun goal). It would be awesome if there could be something where after custom every 1k games or something you get an achievement don't ask why I do but I like having a thing to aim for it gives me a drive.

Originally Posted by Shockey View Post
A new item, a new color, or anything else wont get players to play longer or players that got tired of the game to come back.

By the time you hit 20k, the game gets really old. After that point, 10k more qi to get something isnt worth it.

The only way to get veterans to play is to bring back the fun they had when they started the game.

That is a great suggestion. Evolving the game instead of keeping it the same. The staff works hard on pleasing the community, and we try to do everything we can without changing the game to much.

As for what goughy said, there is no incentive to play after 20k qi because there is nothing to achieve. People would most definitely continue to play the game if they had something to strive for, and do this in conjunction with new mods, game features, and possible forum updates, we could have more members coming back, and possibly new ones staying.

I still think Hax's goal is great, but I believe we can get more players to come back if the games gets updated a lot. The suggestions and ideas board seems to be overlooked a lot, but if we start going off of what the community wants, we can probably make this game more popular than it is.
A hasbeen like the rest