Original Post
Make It Hot!
Hi all Sk8rBois and Sk8rGurls!
It's flame forging time!

This weekend, make your best flame ever and get a chance to win it and have featured in Torishop!

Objective and rules

Your task is to design a flame item using Toribash's Flame Forger tool.
Access Flame Forger by pressing Ctrl+L or navigating to Setup->Utils->Flame Forge
Once the flame is ready, take some screenshots of it and post them in this thread to take part in the competition.
Don't forget to add the forge link generated by the game, too - otherwise we can't make your flame into an item!

You don't have to actually forge the flame.
(You can do that if you wish but it isn't required)

Please refrain from making exact copies of existing flames.
You can post as many entries as you wish.


We will forge flames that we liked most and their authors will get free copies of their creations.
Each winner will also get a Shrak! and 2 Shiai Tokens per winning entry.


Monday, May 8th, 2017
Judging's over the following 5 entries will be forged and sent to their creators!

- Glowing Headache by dick
- Rain by zwouter
- Pyrokinesis by Kyle
- Dark Willpower by dabarrett
- Raven Wings by dabarrett

There were more flames that look cool on still Toris but we picked those that look great both on stills and in motion.

Congratulations to the winners!
Last edited by sir; May 13, 2017 at 12:59 PM.
Congrats to all the other winners! Thanks for the opportunity to win some cool flames, there should be more like it but a bit longer so more people can join in
Thanks to zwouter for reminding me that I totally forgot about this part of the prize:
Each winner will also get a Shrak! and 2 Shiai Tokens per winning entry.

Sent the stuff, shame on others for not contacting me / mentioning this here