I laugh when something funny-to-me happens. More of this game is funny-to-me because it's unfamiliar. It's all less funny to you because it's so familiar so things have to be weirder to register as funny, to you. Do you disagree with any of this?

"my goal is just to do something expressive": See this is the kind of statement that gets me thinking that you have a similarly "relativity conscious" viewpoint, because "doing something expressive" is fundamentally so abstract and personal that it really highlights how relative things are. So I don't get how you have such a "concrete" view of humor when it's easy to demonstrate how relative humor is (see Paragraph 1 of this comment).

Unless you think your expressiveness will be understood perfectly and clearly by everybody (or even most people) because it's so concrete, which: No, it won't. See: Metal, which is interesting self expression for a ton of people, and incomprehensible noise to a ton of others.

edit: Also, despite claiming to have such an objective view of humor, you sure do have a strong habit of peppering your speech with little, abstract, borderline-unintelligible half-jokes. Are you doing that for any other reason than to entertain yourself? It's not particularly likely to entertain anyone else, since no one else has the exact context to understand what you were getting at.

edit2: Also the "strength" of this total "everything human is relative" viewpoint is that it gives everyone the freedom to value what they value, without complication. It's just: It also means people have to consciously identify what they value and figure out how to explain it to their allies so that they can support each other's interests. If you declare what you value (at any given moment), I'll factor it in to my decisions. If you shit on what I value as if it's objectively wrong, I'll Get Annoyed. If you have a logical argument against what I value, then I'll discuss. It's all very clean and neat. It's also extremely consistent with everything I've ever seen.

edit3: If you showed up to play Apex, what would your objective/endgame in mind be?
Last edited by Brackass; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:05 AM.

are you talking about qualia?

but yes I believe that people who are being funny know they are, and not by guesswork.

which jokes are you talking about?
Last edited by absaglute; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:13 AM.
I never said anything about humor being guesswork. Humor is simply perceived differently by different people, based on their personal contexts. There's nothing to "know," only something to "perceive." Humor is relative.

Respond directly to the first paragraph of my previous post. It demonstrates via a very simple situation that either humor is relative, or Brackass specifically has a uniquely broken sense of humor for finding physical comedy more funny than someone who has seen the same physical comedy for years.

Which is it?

"which jokes are you talking about?"
for reference i said "half-jokes":
"that's some good formatting right there. it looks good, I like what you formatted as well."
"i'm giving it a full one star rating, because w'ere not #2"
"i am "drifting though space with a shitty graphic novel"."
"I think it's cooler."
"it's much cooler."
"it won't be scary if you remind yourself I'll probably trip over my own dick, like usual."
"im a girl btw"
"we'll all friends here."
"how did you guys forget i'm a girl"
"you guys suck"
"i don't know why i even play toribash with you guys"
"perpetually paperjammed."
"if you guys hear a rumor that I'm in a relationship with my sister, who is also my mother, please don't spread it."
"You won’t want to miss me fawning over u.s. representative alexandria ocasio-cortez."
"please don't mention me ever, i'm shy."

ok i won't even bother going through the rest of the thread since i think that makes the point well enough that how you talk is constantly laced with abstract humor
Last edited by Brackass; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:20 AM.
you can choose to be funny, so context is irrelevant.

I haven't ever found toribash funny

it's very sad.

correction: i think given any piece of knowledge you can create a joke from it, so as long as the piece of knowledge is understood. it provides context.
Last edited by absaglute; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:20 AM.
that frowny face is another example of Abstract Humor, and also if even when you were first playing it you never found the poses the least bit ridiculous then doesn't that, in itself, kind of demonstrate that humor is relative?

i can choose to try to be funny to a specific target audience. for example, i could tell jokes that i don't think are funny but that i think will work on some specific crowd. or i could tell jokes that i don't think anyone will get except me, because they're very personal.

Humor is relative!

"i think given any piece of knowledge you can create a joke from it"

even so, not everyone will laugh at it. or, at least, maybe they will if you insert the exact combination of context into their brain that leads to the joke being funny, but that would amount to overwriting some people's brains with other people's brains, in a lot of cases.
Last edited by Brackass; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:24 AM.
very large thinking emoji

at this point i start to wonder if you're 100% Trolling Me, which would be a pretty interesting case of Abstract Humor. your replies are very clearly laced with unnecessary subtleties. there are a billion more straightforward ways to say the things you said, and some of the things you said are completely unintelligible and devoid of meaning.

"wait you don't think I liked the formatting?"
in that case, the half joke is your unnecessary repetition/rephrasing of 'i like the formatting.' you say the same thing twice in two different ways. it's unnecessary and slightly absurd.
i still can't tell whether you see any validity to my various examples of how humor is relative

and also i can't tell if you recognize your own penchant for phrasing things in convoluted ways. and how that penchant makes you seem like you have a really insular sense of humor and don't give a shit if anyone else "gets it", which really emphasizes how relative humor is.

like a lot of things do.

because humor is pretty relative. (Not literally 100% relative but effortlessly relative enough to make the statement "you're not funny" a non-starter. The correct phrase is "you're not funny [to this audience]". Cuz humor is relative. The most aggressive you could possibly get with it is "You're not funny to literally anyone", like if there was some humorless bastard working as a comedian, reading shitty jokes from a shitty jokebook, and neither he nor any of his viewers thought it was funny. But even then, there'd probably be someone out there who would find it hilarious how bad of a comedian the guy is.)
Last edited by Brackass; Oct 28, 2019 at 08:56 AM.
yes, you're right - some things are only funny because of their personal relationship to the perceiver. memes, the movie The Room. they weren't made to be funny but they can be. actually it's been a while since i've seen a memedump so I need a refresher on what those look like these days.
Last edited by absaglute; Oct 28, 2019 at 09:46 AM.