Lenshu and all those mods are about moving your legs in a scissor motion towards your opponent while keeping your head away :p with some training it can be really easy.
PM me with any and all questions
I could teach you a bit if you're up for it. Me and Tyzi had a lot of fun fucking people over in Lenshu for wars.
Nag at me on Skype and I'll join your room.
PM me with any and all questions
Told you before that I kinda lost interest in TB, I'm just into other games atm. I open it sometimes to make sure I didn't forget basics ;0

Since I don't have too much school shit this week, I'll try find some time to play with you, maybe even tomorrow.

So, how was Snake behaving during his one-man-army war run? Was he a good boy, or a bad boy? I wanna make sure he isn't hated by allies; Metal most likely has a grudge already.
Hahahah, hes just too good, or they suck.
Umh, Hatty, have you decided my sig yet.
He eon me in aikido with a random head to head decap.
Lucky him.
Considering this didn't happen during testing we can assume it was luck, us having a bad day, or him having a great day.

I get to decide your sig? :o When did I get permission for that?
PM me with any and all questions
I give my sig magic to WorldEater. Enjoy \o/
I also just opened up paint and couldn't find the circle tool. I feel old.
PM me with any and all questions