Since I have nothing to do, i'll do some short cncs on the replays on the previous page.

Z-Zaspire: The opener looked somewhat slow but the landing went surprisingly well. The split didn't look as good as expected since the grab to the head broke the flow you were in. The boom was alright, it looked pretty weak though.

Jisse-Sabercat: That was great. The opening punch and boom was nice, though the boom looked a tad strange due to the way the parts dismembered. The punch that followed the boom was done well. I find it hard to do a punch in that proximity to look good but you managed to do it. The skeets were amazing, though the slight extending of your pec after the second skeet didn't look good, but that can be easily fixed.

T- Snickers: That was a fairly decent replay, all of the hits flowed very well. It would be nice if you managed to do a boom, and seeing as the self-damage was on, you could have thrown that severed head to uke's legs or something.

Rawb ~ A Lesson Never Learned: For someone who didn't make a madman for one and a half month, that was pretty damn awesome. The manip looked a tad messy, but that's a part of your style I guess. The 5-dm boom was great, nothing else to say about that. The punch after that could be a boom but it's still great either way. The pose was strange. It looked like you passed out or something, it could be better if your wrist was extended when you fell.
No SP replay from me yet, I have some spars here though.Though it's not necesarry, I would greatly appreciate some cnc on these
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!VSLargeOriontemple.rpl (771.4 KB, 8 views)
!VSLushPlatform.rpl (470.6 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by sprytryne; Oct 26, 2012 at 01:29 PM.
I dub the, master of CnC.
Spry: I will watch tyem when I get home, though I have very limited time. I'm going rappeling this weekend and I will be gone until Sunday.
(I too watched those replays, and couldn't agree more with spry).


I would love to CnC them Spry but I'm terrible at sparring.
Speaking of chickens, here's my new madman.
Might be one of my best.
Attached Files
T - Masculine skirt.rpl (189.4 KB, 13 views)
I will also not be active this weekend,
Zeto and Pr0ne are in charge.


See ya after weekend Jmoze.

Cant Cnc your replays cuz i dont have that mod you are playing on it.
Guys just floating in air.


I liked dat opener and kicks that went really close to head.

Split was decent but i loved how you made that last DM.

Anyway nice fast replay with a good flow.

Anyway im going to sleep now.

Zappy I love your CnC, thanks <3
And Spry darnit, I hate not CnCing you because I'm sure that you're good etc but my sparring is. Well. Terrible...

Another replay, waiting for Zap sexy CnC.
Attached Files
T - Yerr crankin doodle.rpl (187.4 KB, 5 views)