Hey it's your medium rare steak, Steakmaster.

I am 13 years old,I am an Apache Helicopter [male]

I'm a 2nd Dan Black Belt, I have 2155 Qi.

I live in the Philippines, GMT 8 my plus sign is broken so just pretend there's a plus sign next to the GMT.
I used to live inside a freezer but it was too cold now I live inside a grill and now it's too hot.

Previous clan was Valhalla, I left because leader is banned for a month I guess, and co leader left.

I used to be athletic but I got too lazy so now I stay mostly indoors, I am lazy and a procrastinator in school.
Supposedly smart but just doesn't study well because I'm too lazy but I'm willing to change.

I'd rate my Forum activity a 7/10 although I don't post often that much but I'm willing to if that's a requirement in the clan.

I'd rate my in-game activity a 10/10. I play everyday because I have nothing to do.

My favorite mods are ABD, Aikido, Mushu. I'm pretty good at those, but ABD is my favorite among those three.

I have discord yes. My discord is flat earther 9641. Again my hashtag symbol is broken I have no idea why but it won't work so pretend there's a hashtag symbol there.

I almost forgot, I want to join Fight Club to gain experience with a high ranked clan/ top ranked clan, and also because I also want to help in any way I can and hopefully this is the place where I feel like I actually fit in.

I'm trying to make this app complete as possible. Thanks for reading this long-ass app, I hope it's worth reading. :d

Attached Files
Good match.rpl (76.8 KB, 3 views)
ouch.rpl (40.7 KB, 2 views)
i almost lost my head.rpl (49.7 KB, 2 views)
pure skill or pure luck.rpl (88.1 KB, 2 views)
idk wat to name this one.rpl (35.7 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Theodore; Apr 17, 2017 at 10:05 AM. Reason: I forgot to put the replays.
<[Ae]reno> head is brain
Hello my name is Colin, i am 13 and a male. my QI is 917 and i am currently a brown belt and about 90 games away from a black belt. My gmt is -4. My life of toribash began when i was watching markiplier play this game, it looked interesting so i downloaded it. I began playing, as usual i was terrible but ended up getting better and better. irl i enjoy hunting, tennis, and soccer. i would rate my forum activity a 7 and my in-game activity a 7 as well. i take pride in my skills in-game such as making openers. i have met a few of ur clan members, one i have talked to a little is Prince. My Discord is JHunter03#7983
Attached Files
750 tourny win!!!.rpl (62.6 KB, 4 views)
GG.rpl (62.4 KB, 4 views)
lol.rpl (38.5 KB, 3 views)
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter
Originally Posted by HellHood View Post
Ilikehulk : YES from me.
McPunch7: NO.
Rearix: YES.

Not exactly sure what that means, does that mean i'm accepted or i'm accepted but have to wait?
Hello Fight Club I am PKDK (it stands for my real name) I am 12 years old and I am a boy.
My qi is 2039 and my belt is 2nd Dan black belt. I live In New Zealand Palmerston North. I used to be in the clan named noodle I used to be friends with the leader WMking but I was kicked for being inactive on the holidays, because I was out with family Since then I have never joined another clan so. I do not like to buy things with my rl money so I earn the hard way. My life outside toibash has been a bit hard my oldest brother died in 2015 and I'm the youngest in my family I am only I kid so u may or may not want to accept me. In forums I would rate my self 4 and in game I would rate my self a 9 my best skills are I would say Mushu, Wushu and aikido and yes I have discord I do not have relation to any member but I was informed how to fill in this application by a member called Prince he is currently a Master belt at this time as proof that I know him a little bit. That is all I have to say in my apllication
Sup Ladies and Gents, as you can see I am Mystyfilys, Mysto or Charlie, I am 14 and I'm a guy ;)
I Am a 3rd Dan Black Belt and my QI is 3147
My GTM is GMT+1, I live in england
When i was starting out i did have 1 infraction, i can't remember what for but thats all i can say, I started playing a few years ago but went on multiple breaks because my PC was acting up and i had no clan to have any reason being on for. I recently got my PC fixed from a long break and am back (definitely for a while)
My name is Charlie, I own and ride 2 horses, I Play xbox and Pc in some of my spare time and I enjoy Digital and non-digital Art, I love anime series. I Also have a collection of guitars which i play often, i would guess some of you will know what me being in grade 3 means, and i don't see why this is relevant but some other guy said it so i guess i will say incase of any reason (idk). My parents divorced when i was 3 and i still have many family issues so, i don't mind people making jokes about stuff like that just don't aim it at me.

- How would you rate your Forum Activity? 9/10 (i go on multiple times a day and if not that means i am for some reason away or busy)

- How would you rate your In-Game Activity? 8/10

- Do you pride yourself in Game or on the Forums? I Love to make art and help people out in any way i can

- If in Game, please provide minimum 3 replays for reviewing - Unfortunately as i said, i recently got my Pc fixed and i do not have any replays accept for 1, i do not know if i will have added it in correctly though.

- Competitive Mods? Aptitude outside of the game? I Like ABD and Mushu, i also bet whenever i can but am extremely cautious aha, outside of the game i create Artwork for school and mess around on photoshop and ride horses if thats what the question was

- If in Forums, please provide evidence of said skill for reviewing - erm... idk

- Do you have Discord? If yes, please provide these. Yup My discord is just Charlie, you can also add me on steam or Skype as a way of inviting me to the discord as my username isn't exactly unique

- Do you have any Connections in Fight Club? This includes any trials or approvals by other members in game (Provide these if possible) No I do not.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this.
Last edited by Mystofilys; Apr 20, 2017 at 03:36 AM. Reason: to big text
Very sorry I do not know how to provide replays but I do have a ton and I think I missed out few information but if u do not accept me I will be fine and I will say thank u for considering.
and on the forums I would rate my self a 0
Last edited by PKDK; Apr 20, 2017 at 03:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump