Yo, so I was wondering since things like the clan system are being shared between both games, will Toribash Next have its own separate forums, or will they share this forum.
Wont people have way less account names to choose from?
Wont people have way less clan names to choose from?
Is it going to be "all about the fourms still?"
Is this only because some people rather not restart their belts and names?
When you get a new game, don't you have to restart?
(Not trying to piss anyone off, just don't see it working out as a bigger and popular game as it once could have been along with many other people)
It's just that the games not getting that active and I don't want to see my favourite game die over the next game that i'm looking forward to so much.
Also, will any in game items be able to be used in the games them selves?
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Originally Posted by RRDube420 View Post
Wont people have way less account names to choose from?
Wont people have way less clan names to choose from?
Is it going to be "all about the fourms still?"
Is this only because some people rather not restart their belts and names?
When you get a new game, don't you have to restart?
(Not trying to piss anyone off, just don't see it working out as a bigger and popular game as it once could have been along with many other people)
It's just that the games not getting that active and I don't want to see my favourite game die over the next game that i'm looking forward to so much.
Also, will any in game items be able to be used in the games them selves?

Wont people have way less account names to choose from?
Im pretty sure they'll make extremely inactive names available.

Wont people have way less clan names to choose from?
You can always take names/tags from dead unofficial/official clans that are dead lol

Is this only because some people rather not restart their belts and names?
No point in changing the database when we already have one that works.
As well as people would rather not lose their clans, qi, etc, resetting everyone's stats would be a horrible mistake as your basically throwing away all their work, especially if most people migrate to tb next.

When you get a new game, don't you have to restart?
TB Next is a new game, you're right, however it's more-over a remake of toribash, furthermore a new 'version' of toribash itself, new engine. As stated above, no sense in changing the db when it works just fine.

Also, will any in game items be able to be used in the games them selves?
That i do not know, from what i can tell from sir and hampa's posts in the past maybe some, but if most, it's very unlikely, as since it's using a new engine and things, replays, mods, items, and everything else will work differently.
Last edited by hanna; Nov 16, 2017 at 01:38 PM.
I still believe belts should be reset in the NEXT...
I mean it is a new toribash so its not needed that all the players data should be moved over

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Originally Posted by DarkCause View Post
I still believe belts should be reset in the NEXT...
I mean it is a new toribash so its not needed that all the players data should be moved over


While I see your point, I'd like to say it could be very discouraging for players just discovering Next to be faced with an oldschool custom labeled as a newb
Honestly I feel like this is a waste of programing skills...

From a marketing stand point I feel like you're creating a new game for an already small community that will just dilute the community and hurt revenue.

Look at something successful like battle bears, an app for phones.

They have a very similar build, mostly centered on forums.

When they created a new game, the whole thing essentially fell through.

I think that its like making a harry potter book 8. It doesn't really fill a hole in the market, it just overcrowds people who already occupy that market.

Although Im probably going to love toribash next, I suggest you guys shoot to hit another market with a different kind of game instead of trying to force more games into the same market.