Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Im Ultra0mega id like to join MOFF because it was recommended to me by of someone from your clan so I'd like to try for this clan.
Originally Posted by Ultra0mega View Post
Im Ultra0mega id like to join MOFF because it was recommended to me by of someone from your clan so I'd like to try for this clan.

You can find our recruitment thread here - http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?p=6433202
Originally Posted by Fatman680 View Post
Speaking of horrible Batman movies...

How bout that Batman vs Superman?

really fucking long quote

Did it live up to what you wanted, jack?
Last edited by Fatman680; Apr 9, 2016 at 12:55 AM.
|Ellie|Sparchar|Jack.M|Spartacraft (Forever shunned)|RossBarker|@#w#@|
Originally Posted by Fatman680 View Post
Did it live up to what you wanted, jack?

Oh this will be fun !

Okay, my original posts in red, my current response in black:

I'm going to reserve judgement til I see it. I REALLY liked Man Of Steel, Henry Cavill is really pretty and despite the entire world I quite like Ben Affleck.

Henry Cavil is still pretty, Ben Affleck was probably the best part of the movie, I still really like Man Of Steel. Ben Affleck is also pretty.

That being said, they're going to have a REALLY hard job convincing me Batman fighting Superman would be a fight at all, in the comics they usually justify it as "Oh well, Superman's holding back because he doesn't actually want to kill Batman, he just wants to stop him" but this is because they're friends, which is all kinds of bullshit.

Oh how naive I was, they did a fucking terrible job at making me believe Batman could go toe to toe with Supes. Even when he cheats he still cheats badly and for at least the second half of the fight (The whole 5 minute fight, by the way) Superman IS trying to kill Batman, and should have had no trouble doing so. Bullshit.

It makes sense in Dark Knight Returns, Superman is old, Batman's been preparing for years AND he cheats, but I doubt Warner Bros will let them do that to the only superhero they think they can make money off.

They do actually let Batman cheat a little, the Kryptonite gas was actually pretty cool but there's no way in hell Superman should have fallen for that trick twice. And this only just dawned on me while writing this, once Superman learns about the gas, and that it wears off, why the fuck didn't he just run away until it wore off the second time. He's fucking Superman, gas hits you, use the few seconds of power you have to fly the fuck away, catch your breath, come back and laser eye Batfleck in the Backfleck.

Inevitably shit? Good actors, good prequel, based on an awesome comic, all signs point to good.

I still don't think it was inevitably shit. Amy Adams aside, the cast was still really solid. Cavil felt wooden but I blame the script for that. As I said, despite the shit show Ben Affleck was really good, like.. really really really good. Easily the best Bruce Wayne we've ever seen. Not even close to enough to save the movie, but in a better movie he would have been incredible.

Overall, this movie made me hate Superman, this movie made me hate Zack Snyder, this movie made me hate myself for daring to hope. It's probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a movie and the first (and hopefully the last) time I've openly and loudly heckled a movie in the cinema. It's one of the few movies that really is just as bad as everyone says. The fight scenes are quite nice, wait for the Blu Ray release and someone will stick a compilation video of all the fights on YouTube. I could rant about this movie forever, and I probably will.

Fuck it, let's do it like a real review:

Pros -
  • Henry Cavil is pretty.
  • Ben Affleck is pretty.
  • The action is great good.

Cons -
  • They ruin Superman as a character.
  • They ruin Lex Luthor as a character.
  • Lois Lane is worse in this than she was in Man Of Steel.
  • The Batman V Superman part of this 2 and a half hour long movie is about 5 minutes.
  • The reason they fight is stupid.
  • The reason the fight ends is EVEN stupider.
  • The final fight is EVEN EVEN STUPIDER.
Last edited by JackMorris; Apr 9, 2016 at 01:16 AM.

REALLY fucking long quote

Suprised you didnt make a podcast about this.
|Ellie|Sparchar|Jack.M|Spartacraft (Forever shunned)|RossBarker|@#w#@|
Originally Posted by Fatman680 View Post

REALLY fucking long quote

Suprised you didnt make a podcast about this.

Oh don't worry.. It's coming.
Originally Posted by JackMorris View Post
Oh don't worry.. It's coming.

Get your popcorn ready, lads.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
Originally Posted by rossbarker View Post
Get your popcorn ready, lads.

|Ellie|Sparchar|Jack.M|Spartacraft (Forever shunned)|RossBarker|@#w#@|
Hey guys, I have some bad news, I'm gonna leave moff. All of my friends are in THOL, so I would like to hang with them. I like this clan but it's not as active as it used to be, which sucks, so I'm gonna try something new. Thank you guys for everything you've done for me, and I hope you guys understand. Hope to see you guys later, thank you again. I wish the best for all of you
Originally Posted by VanillaMC View Post
Hey guys, I have some bad news, I'm gonna leave moff. All of my friends are in THOL, so I would like to hang with them. I like this clan but it's not as active as it used to be, which sucks, so I'm gonna try something new. Thank you guys for everything you've done for me, and I hope you guys understand. Hope to see you guys later, thank you again. I wish the best for all of you

We appreciate you letting us know first, best of luck to you!