Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Duke_it View Post
What do you use to run it? I used to use a command line to set it up but that no longer works. What can i do?

If that question was directed to me, I use tb_server.exe .
It works from a command line, or by double-clicking it.
Yea it was and thanks for replying.

Still can't find it though. Is it in the root Toribash-2.75 folder? I simply don't have that file. Is it meant to install with Tori?
I can't find it in 2.75 either. It was in 2.71. I'd guess that it was just a glitch. If you still have 2.71, you can use the server from it.

No one on #toribash had an answer. I'll ask again when the ops are more active.
Hmm thats odd. Sadly i don't have 2.71 though. Either i will have to wait for a new release or someone to upload it. Is the file itself big?
i have the newest toribash and i am trying to make a server but its failing!

i have a shortcut for toribash.exe and the target is:

"CProgram Files\Toribash-2.75\toribash.exe" -p 20184 -m 120 -g 0 -t 10 -r 20 -f 3 -s 0 -e 100 -j 0 -l 100 -c 100 -d 0 -C 12 -T 5 -L "toriserver.log" -N "Toribash Server" -R "changeme" -A 3 -M "Welcome to Toribash!" -o "default.tbm"

I added "my server" to serverlist.txt

and i port forwarded the port 20184

but when i try and connect to server 31 in my serverlist it cannot connect.

whats am i doing wrong?
You need to use the server. Toribash.exe is the client. Server is currently being withheld due to security flaws in previous versions.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I did not find the tb_server.exe or any other server files, is it possible to make an own server with this version of the game?
Argh. Please read the entire of a topic before posting. Kthxbye.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."