Unless you're secretly a RD, please don't badger me with this concept that you're more knowledgeable on the subject than me. I understand the validity of rat studies. I'm finishing up a bachelor in the field of nutrition and fitness. I've taken classes on the Dynamics of Weight Control. So calm yourself a bit there.

You can quit addictions. And addictions are there because you acted irresponsibly in the first place, which leads me to the overwhelming theme that is: Being obese stems from irresponsibility in your actions over and over again. Especially something like eating junk food. If you're whole argument is "Obesity is an addiction", then at least admit what gets you to that point is irresponsibility, and admit that being there is unhealthy, something nobody should strive for, and something you should want to end.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
A relative of mine shattered a lumbar vertebrae when he was younger. For decades he has lived with incessant pain that he can't quite succeed from removing from his everyday life. All sorts of exercise is off limits to him. Tripping over something, let alone falling, causes agony, as do all other impacts. He is limited to light jogging and walking in Arizona, where daily temperatures start at 85 and end at up to 110.

Years ago, he began a new run of medication, Lyrica. Lyrica, along with a Litocaine patch, Ambien for sleeping, and a regimen of physical therapy, in addition to changing positions from standing to sitting to lying down helped him reduce the pain drastically.

However, Lyrica and Ambien both greatly increase serotonin production in the brain. This results in a prodigious appetite that, despite this relative's best efforts, largely healthy eating, and daily exercise, could not curb from adding to his weight.

This relative was eventually forced to give up Lyrica and some of his blessed relief due to concerns about his weight, which reached 200 pounds. This puts him at a BMI of just barely overweight, at around 30. His ability to overcome adversity and lead a productive and social life is a powerful inspiration.

However, reading this thread, I am sure he would be happy to know that apparently he is a lazy, irresponsible, unhealthy, slob who shovels down pounds of food as his back fat curls over the waist of his pants.

You all stink of judgmental self-righteousness.
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Hey look more than two lines.
You absolutely didn't read anything said by any intelligible source. Think I said a million times if you have a legitimate medical condition that you were exempt from all judgement.

P.S: using BMI for anything is pretty pointless. It's an absolutely useless measurement developed for the army to pretty ineffectively figure out how much food they needed to ration to their soldiers. By current BMI standards, the most shreded by bodybuilders in the world are obese.

----This is my last post, so I'll make it count, because arguing after I make valid points seems silly to me:

It's cheap enough to eat healthy in the U.S., which is what we were originally discussing. I think it costs $1.27 for a box of Pasta, which is around 1330 kcals. Which is anywhere from almost all of your daily needs of food intake to about half of it depending on height, weight, age, and sex. So let's be safe and double it. For $2.54 + tax, you've got youself 2660 kcals, 21 fat, 560 complex carbs (excellent), 70g of fiber (more than double the recommendation for men), and 98g of protein, which unless you're trying to build muscle, by current RDA standards, supports a 250lbs+ male. A family of four males at around 200 pounds could eat this at $10.16 + tax + water/watorflavorings + butter/a meatsauce/a seasoning/whatever and still be living for under $5 a person per day. If you don't have $5 per day for a family of four, your nutrition is in the shitter because you're making less than a high school student working at a McDonalds makes in an hour.

This is all a hyperbole, this isn't Hxc saying "Only eat pasta!, Don't include meat, don't include fruit, soda is the devil" yaddayaddayada. This is me saying that at the basics of any health, it's BEYOND easy to eat incredibly well for incredibly cheap. Price isn't an issue.

If eating bad foods can slowly or even quickly make you addicted to them, as your last and final argument presented after the whole "they aren't cheap" concern came up, then it's up to our parents, our role models, and our education system to say what's of a good nutrition. Over-eating fatty foods, especially Fast Food is a terrible thing to do, it's a completely negative health decision that you or your parents are voluntarily making, and you deserve to pay the consequences if these are the reasons that have driven you to Obesity.

People who can't afford gym memberships: I think Planet Fitness is.. $10 a month? Now it's not the next West Side Barbell but $10 a month is 33 cents a day, which again if you can't spend $20 a day on food and $0.33 a day on fitness, then you've got much bigger problems than your weight. Not to mention: you don't need a gym to workout. Do bodyweight movements, stretch, run for crying out loud. Believe it or not you don't need a $1200 treadmill that feeds you gatorade on an IV system to run 2 miles. My father with shitty knees and weighing in well over 250 pounds of mostly fat ran a marathon. Never stepped in a LA Fitness to do that.

If your complaint is that you don't have the time to do it. Let's look at your schedule. There's 1,440 minutes in a day, let's say you work 8 hours a day, every day, and sleep 8 hours a day, now you have 480 minutes left in the day. Now you're telling me you can't find 30 minutes of that every other day or even every 3 days to dedicate to turning yourself into a more healthy you with a run and some basic activity? Fine. But if you can't, you can at least cut down on your calorie intake. It'll be cheaper for you anyways.

There are two reasons why anyone ever in the history of ever are Obese:

1) They have a legitimate medical issue which prevents them or at least greatly hinders them from exercising, staying active, or even staying on a low calorie diet.

2) They're eating more than they're spending. AKA: over eating.

Other excuses for the most part are simply lack of effort.

No Leg

Last edited by Bodhisattva; Aug 13, 2013 at 08:04 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
You absolutely didn't read anything said by any intelligible source. Think I said a million times if you have a legitimate medical condition that you were exempt from all judgement.

Right, and you're supposed to know about this relative's back pain when you see him walking on the sidewalk?

The point I'm trying to make with this is that your judgement is based on nothing apart from a glimpse, and it is couched in ignorance and arrogance reinforced by your own personal experience.

Originally Posted by Hxbbqimo
P.S: using BMI for anything is pretty pointless. It's an absolutely useless measurement developed for the army to pretty ineffectively figure out how much food they needed to ration to their soldiers. By current BMI standards, the most shreded by bodybuilders in the world are obese.

BMI does not factor into account the percentage of mass that is muscle, fat, etc. it is still a valuable indicator for increased risk of health problems for the average person.
The CDC primarily relies on BMI to measure obesity:
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
You absolutely didn't read anything said by any intelligible source. Think I said a million times if you have a legitimate medical condition that you were exempt from all judgement.

P.S: using BMI for anything is pretty pointless. It's an absolutely useless measurement developed for the army to pretty ineffectively figure out how much food they needed to ration to their soldiers. By current BMI standards, the most shreded by bodybuilders in the world are obese.

----This is my last post, so I'll make it count, because arguing after I make valid points seems silly to me:

It's cheap enough to eat healthy in the U.S., which is what we were originally discussing. I think it costs $1.27 for a box of Pasta, which is around 1330 kcals. Which is anywhere from almost all of your daily needs of food intake to about half of it depending on height, weight, age, and sex. So let's be safe and double it. For $2.54 + tax, you've got youself 2660 kcals, 21 fat, 560 complex carbs (excellent), 70g of fiber (more than double the recommendation for men), and 98g of protein, which unless you're trying to build muscle, by current RDA standards, supports a 250lbs+ male. A family of four males at around 200 pounds could eat this at $10.16 + tax + water/watorflavorings + butter/a meatsauce/a seasoning/whatever and still be living for under $5 a person per day. If you don't have $5 per day for a family of four, your nutrition is in the shitter because you're making less than a high school student working at a McDonalds makes in an hour.

This is all a hyperbole, this isn't Hxc saying "Only eat pasta!, Don't include meat, don't include fruit, soda is the devil" yaddayaddayada. This is me saying that at the basics of any health, it's BEYOND easy to eat incredibly well for incredibly cheap. Price isn't an issue.

If eating bad foods can slowly or even quickly make you addicted to them, as your last and final argument presented after the whole "they aren't cheap" concern came up, then it's up to our parents, our role models, and our education system to say what's of a good nutrition. Over-eating fatty foods, especially Fast Food is a terrible thing to do, it's a completely negative health decision that you or your parents are voluntarily making, and you deserve to pay the consequences if these are the reasons that have driven you to Obesity.

People who can't afford gym memberships: I think Planet Fitness is.. $10 a month? Now it's not the next West Side Barbell but $10 a month is 33 cents a day, which again if you can't spend $20 a day on food and $0.33 a day on fitness, then you've got much bigger problems than your weight. Not to mention: you don't need a gym to workout. Do bodyweight movements, stretch, run for crying out loud. Believe it or not you don't need a $1200 treadmill that feeds you gatorade on an IV system to run 2 miles. My father with shitty knees and weighing in well over 250 pounds of mostly fat ran a marathon. Never stepped in a LA Fitness to do that.

If your complaint is that you don't have the time to do it. Let's look at your schedule. There's 1,440 minutes in a day, let's say you work 8 hours a day, every day, and sleep 8 hours a day, now you have 480 minutes left in the day. Now you're telling me you can't find 30 minutes of that every other day or even every 3 days to dedicate to turning yourself into a more healthy you with a run and some basic activity? Fine. But if you can't, you can at least cut down on your calorie intake. It'll be cheaper for you anyways.

There are two reasons why anyone ever in the history of ever are Obese:

1) They have a legitimate medical issue which prevents them or at least greatly hinders them from exercising, staying active, or even staying on a low calorie diet.

2) They're eating more than they're spending. AKA: over eating.

Other excuses for the most part are simply lack of effort.

No Leg


Read this. Your cousin is a hero and deserves to be praised. Anyone who has a five minute conversation with them should know that. I'm sorry if they judge him externally, I know someone with one eye who has it from saving another person's life, and people first judgement doesn't seem positive when they see him. Nothing I say about obesity applies whatsoever to him. No worries.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Aug 13, 2013 at 08:09 AM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Truly I am on your side you shouldn't be made to have to say sorry... Honisally not your fault and that well still it's stupid you get made to be seen as the insensitive ass by them... But still you shouldn't care about them truly
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Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
\You all stink of judgmental self-righteousness.

That's the same inkling I get when reading discussions like this. Take the one-legged guy for instance: in the before picture he was marginally overweight, if that, not the type of obese that would actually affect the people around him. I get the impression that people here think that if you're not ripped you should be judged. And it hasn't seemed to occur to anyone in this thread yet that maybe some people don't care to be in perfect physical condition? It's incredibly douche-y to expect someone to conform to your lifestyle standard. Choosing to not exercise doesn't make you lazy, or a glutton. It usually means you choose to focus on other things.

Another example: I'm moderately overweight, but have no health issues and no where near the kind of fat you'd have to be to start affecting other people. So "Excuses, let's hear yours again": mine is that I'm content with who I am, and I don't care to lose 20lbs to be considered normal. Does that make me lazy or gluttonous?

Reserve your judgement until you actually know that a person is lazy or gluttonous, instead of just assuming things based on someone's appearance. Fat-shaming is just stupid.
Last edited by Thellian; Aug 13, 2013 at 09:33 AM.
My signature sucks
@Hxc :

Only one thing ^^ :
"But the large large majority is people who are unhealthy because they chose to be, and they're being incredibly terrible role models, and they are wasting your tax money on their health care."

When it's not linked to a medical condition, I think most obese people didn't "chose" to be that way. It either comes from being badly educated on the matter, and influenced by the "consumer society". As in corporations who make crappy food won't advertise their food like : "eat our crappy food, it will make you fat and unhealthy".

And the tax money is ridiculously low, you can't really blame fat people for that tax money, but you can blame the society that cultivates such behaviours and then point fingers saying "look at the fat people making you lose money".


Did your relative tried medicinal marijuana ?



Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
A relative of mine shattered a lumbar vertebrae when he was younger. For decades he has lived with incessant pain that he can't quite succeed from removing from his everyday life. All sorts of exercise is off limits to him. Tripping over something, let alone falling, causes agony, as do all other impacts. He is limited to light jogging and walking in Arizona, where daily temperatures start at 85 and end at up to 110.

Years ago, he began a new run of medication, Lyrica. Lyrica, along with a Litocaine patch, Ambien for sleeping, and a regimen of physical therapy, in addition to changing positions from standing to sitting to lying down helped him reduce the pain drastically.

However, Lyrica and Ambien both greatly increase serotonin production in the brain. This results in a prodigious appetite that, despite this relative's best efforts, largely healthy eating, and daily exercise, could not curb from adding to his weight.

This relative was eventually forced to give up Lyrica and some of his blessed relief due to concerns about his weight, which reached 200 pounds. This puts him at a BMI of just barely overweight, at around 30. His ability to overcome adversity and lead a productive and social life is a powerful inspiration.

However, reading this thread, I am sure he would be happy to know that apparently he is a lazy, irresponsible, unhealthy, slob who shovels down pounds of food as his back fat curls over the waist of his pants.

You all stink of judgmental self-righteousness.

200 pounds is not obese.

Don't use your relative as an excuse to talk down to others. He is obviously doing what he can and anyone in this thread would praise him for facing such adversary and still managing to overcome what the American apparently can't.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
A relative of mine shattered a lumbar vertebrae when he was younger. For decades he has lived with incessant pain that he can't quite succeed from removing from his everyday life. All sorts of exercise is off limits to him. Tripping over something, let alone falling, causes agony, as do all other impacts. He is limited to light jogging and walking in Arizona, where daily temperatures start at 85 and end at up to 110.

Years ago, he began a new run of medication, Lyrica. Lyrica, along with a Litocaine patch, Ambien for sleeping, and a regimen of physical therapy, in addition to changing positions from standing to sitting to lying down helped him reduce the pain drastically.

However, Lyrica and Ambien both greatly increase serotonin production in the brain. This results in a prodigious appetite that, despite this relative's best efforts, largely healthy eating, and daily exercise, could not curb from adding to his weight.

This relative was eventually forced to give up Lyrica and some of his blessed relief due to concerns about his weight, which reached 200 pounds. This puts him at a BMI of just barely overweight, at around 30. His ability to overcome adversity and lead a productive and social life is a powerful inspiration.

However, reading this thread, I am sure he would be happy to know that apparently he is a lazy, irresponsible, unhealthy, slob who shovels down pounds of food as his back fat curls over the waist of his pants.

You all stink of judgmental self-righteousness.

What ImmortalPig said + obviously you haven't read the thread since I was defending obese people all the time.

All I've been trying to convey is that losing weight and then not falling back to your old rut is not simple. Even if the person has no medical condition and it is his fault for eating too much, you shouldn't give them shit for it. If anything, it's not gonna help. If you're really that concerned about their health and your "tax money", try to help them and encourage them, not give them shit.
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