We3DB0Ng - Accepted.
iNarwhal - Rejected (Try reading the rules)
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
We3DB0Ng - Accepted.

thanks mate ;)
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact, same fucking thing... over and over again
My Destiny
-Name and what you wish us to refer to you as:Zen
-Your belt ingame:brown belt close to black but my other account got to 2nd dan black belt
-Your age:12 yrs old
-The country you currently reside in/GMT:Phillipines
-Tell us a little bit about yourself:well i believe it is my destiny to join this clan since i named my tori zen before i even knew about this clan plus this clan is totally razzamatas so i would be very happy if you accept me
-Any traits you posses:unbeatable in joustingfixed.tbm,name is fit for this clan
-What member (If any) sent you here:no one i just saw someone with the clan zen a few months ago and remember i should probably try to join it
-Any Alts/bans/infractions:10 point infraction for 5 day ban i don't remember why they ban me as for alts i have zenman123,zengirl123,zenlady123,zenkid123,yoloman3 21,cramioli but i never use them anymore :P
-Past clans:iCoF,RXP,Legendary

-Anything else you feel appropriate:this is what i'll do to all opposing clans
Last edited by Merc; Oct 12, 2013 at 02:18 PM.

Hello, my name is Cellulite and you call me whatever you want. I am a black belt, however, I had an account prior to this that made it to brown (Cubee). I am 16 years old and I live in California, USA GMT: -7.
I am pretty focused academically and in tennis, therefore my activeness on the weekdays will be much less than my playtime on the weekends. I've known about toribash for years but only recently got into in last summer. I'm pretty decent at aikido and I've been focusing on sparring too. I have a skype (bananasauce453) in which I am online almost all the time. If I get accepted to this clan, it would be the first clan for me and I want to meet more people who play Toribash consistently. I found this clan on the forums and I've never been banned. I can do art with banners and such, but never focused on art for Tori textures. I wish to be helpful to this clan.
Attached Files
Spar with RealismBot.rpl (769.0 KB, 4 views)
suplex.rpl (49.3 KB, 4 views)
We have merged with Aether and therefore applications should be sent there.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Hey its ASuperior but with a name longer than 10 letters. My old account will go inactive so just kick it.
Physically I am BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS but Spiritually I am ART AND SOUL